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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 27, 03:57:22am
Author: Sam
Subject: toe stands on young children again...........
In reply to: g.t.t. 's message, "Usually bad toe stands are the fault of the dancer, not the shoe." on Saturday, August 13, 08:20:56pm

Yes you are right about the shoe. But most ballet dancers do not go on pointe until they are around 12 or 13 years old and they only do gentle rises with support. Not full blown performances, the days of that sort of thing in the ballet world finished in the 1930s and left dancers with many injury problems.
Children of this age do not have their abs and back developed enough and their bones are still soft. If you studied any kind of anatomy you would know this and not just blame the shoes.
It is also not the feet but the back that a young dancer is more likely to damage due to incorrectly performed pointe work as the strain will be taken up through the back not the toes.
Suffice it to say, pre teens and toe work = not good

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