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Date Posted: Wednesday, December 21, 11:25:19am
Author: VeteranERmom
Subject: I think most TCs wouldn't go along w/this idea. I can see it now: if the kid wins (more)
In reply to: k 's message, "Just have the dancer carry the names of both schools...cont." on Tuesday, December 20, 02:15:21pm

they'll be fighting over who takes credit & if she comes in last, they'll each be blaming the other. There are good reasons for the suspension, though I know most don't agree with them. W/o the suspension, people would be jumping schools at the slightest provocation. It's a big deal for the kid as well as the school to learn new steps, new school rules, in many cases get a new dress; knowing you'll face a suspension will make a dancer seriously consider whether to make the move or not. A dancer who is really unhappy will move regardless, a dancer who says they're only staying because of the suspension is kidding themselves.
Another reason is that, although it's against ethics if not actual rules, TCs have been known to attempt to lure students away from other schools. It's one thing for a student to go looking for another school, quite another thing for a school to actively recruit from someone else. The suspension won't put a stop to this, but it will make dancers think about it before making a decision.
DD has moved schools in the past. It was an apparently rare friendly move on all sides; the old TC had a les competitive school and actually encouraged us to find a school that could take her further in dancing. She helped us decide which school & contacted the new school. She even tried to see if the suspension could be waived, but it couldn't. It was no big deal though; she really did need that time to learn her new steps and feel comfortable donig them.

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