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Date Posted: Thursday, January 19, 11:58:20pm
Author: g.t.t.
Subject: That is totally not true at all. And actaully its an insult to all dancers.
In reply to: XxXxXxXxX 's message, "Re: Debate Topic" on Saturday, January 14, 10:37:01am

If you can't dance, you don't win anything.
Dancers practice for hours every week, some for hours every day. It is a complete slap in the face for people to say dance is all about appearances just because they don't like how they place. The comment is nothing more than sour grapes. Why should dancers have to look messy and unprofessional to be taken seriously. If you walked into a job interview in shorts and a t-shirt would you expect the employers to take you seriously? Even if you were the best person for the job you still dress in attire fitting the situation. Why? Because the way people dress does affect how people think of others. It doesn't mean that dance has fallen by the wayside, if anything the dancing caliber has become more instense than before. So I don't think t-shirts and shorts would change much, at all.
As for politics, politics are part of life. You can either give in and mope about them and use them as a handy excuse, or you can always dance your best and shrug your shoulders when they get in your way, because tomorrow is always another chance to dance.
What I really get from your post is that you are corrupted by another aspect of dance: competition. Irish dance competition used to be about fun first, trophies second. You got to hang out with your friends and as long as you danced your best it really didn't matter what place you came in, so what if "something" was the reason you didn't place. Now there is always a reason why things are unfair. Its either appearance, or politics or cheating. Why can't we just enjoy a good competition with our friends and at the end of the day let bygones be bygones. Why is winning suddenly so important, and not just any win, but a solo win so there's only you on the podium? Why do we care who has a solo dress or who goes to Oireachtas?

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