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Date Posted: Friday, July 27, 07:45:32pm
Author: Concerned Irish Dancer
Subject: Help save the Hill of Tara from development!

Please sign the online petition to save grounds of Tara! Visit: http://www.petitiononline.com/Temair/petition.html . People from any country can sign!

Here's what the petition says:

"To: An Taoiseach, The Irish Prime Minister
I wish to protest the planned M3 motorway through the ancient grounds of Tara. As you are aware, expert archaeologists in Ireland and internationally have pointed out that Tara is not just constituted by the actual hill, but also by the surrounding landscape, which is extraordinarily rich in archaeological monuments. This is precisely the area the planned M3 will cut through, only 1 km from the hill itself.

You are also no doubt aware that the Tara landscape is recognised as a site of not only Irish, but world importance. In particular, it holds a significant place in European cultural heritage. I therefore believe that the Irish Government has a duty to act as the respectful custodian of Tara, and all other ancient Irish archaeological sites, and to protect them for posterity and for the appreciation of present and future citizens of not just Ireland, but of all the world.

I ask you to personally intervene in this issue, and to see to it that one of the alternative routes available for the M3 motorway is chosen instead. I ask you to ensure that Tara remains completely undisturbed and that it is treated with the respect due to both a national and international cultural treasure, "

Thank you for your help!

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