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Date Posted: Friday, September 07, 07:54:30pm
Author: OP
Subject: The thing that gets me about this is that......
In reply to: cco 's message, "My DD's TC told her she could dance solo if she got a certain dance into PW...more" on Friday, September 07, 05:50:07am

I think the TC's forget that sometimes the littlest kids need longer to learn and get into a new routine. They can absolutely do it....but they are not teens who can be told once or twice what to do and make those adjustments. These young kids, sometimes are just thrown up there to "see how they do." Not to mention the resentment this causes the older kids. Why not make these decisions in May/June....prep the kids, then tell them and the parents: If you get such and such dance in PW, or whatever the requirement is, by such and such date, then you may dance at the O. If the requirement is not met.....then the child has been receiving those prep classes.....and will just meet them that much earlier for next year. Just going through the prep is a good learning experience....but give them the proper amount of time! My $$ worth.

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  • Absolutely. She could learn it all in a month. Tell her not to worry, -- no worries, Monday, August 04, 09:06:14pm

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