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Date Posted: Saturday, July 09, 10:59:59am
Author: Aine
Subject: A ferry or a plane from Ireland to the UK is much much less expensive and time consuming....
In reply to: sam 's message, "that may be so but.." on Saturday, July 09, 01:14:45am

Then even the flight I took halfway across the US to get to the North American Championships.

For us, flying to your All Irelands involves both the short flight/ferry you are talking about AND a long flight all the way across the world. I've taken the trip from London Heathrow to Dublin before, in fact, thats often just the last leg of a trip from the western US to Ireland. Its what an hour? hour and half? Thats shorter then each leg of my flight to Nashville which included a stopover in Texas. The longer the flight, the more expensive they tend to be. The distance you'd have to travel to go to a total of 3 majors, some people in the US have to travel that far just to go to more then one or two ordinary feis's in a year.

Next year the NA championships will be as close to me as they've ever been, and probably ever will be. In my region, and nearer then the last time they were in my region. We'll probably be driving, and it will take us 8 hours. Thats about 480 kilometers. The year after that, in Ottawa....3362 kilometers from where I live. As a point of comparison.. Shannon is 7916 kilometers from here. Shannon is 290 kilometers from Belfast, and 409 kilometers from Blackpool. For you, worlds, plus 3 other majors, plus your regionals, is closer then my regionals will be at a whopping 1024 kilometers.

True, you guys may have to fly or take a ferry, but the distance is really no comparison. Just did a quick check, and I found a flight from here to Dublin at 13 hours 43 minutes, and $599 with one change planes in Chicago. Flying from Dublin to London gets you a great deal at 1 hour, 20 minutes non-stop for $147. I think that makes a big difference dont you?

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