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Date Posted: Saturday, July 16, 12:07:53pm
Author: Aine
Subject: Good point...
In reply to: see inside.... 's message, "Naive question-being watched by a CREEP can be dangerous because one never knows what's next" on Wednesday, July 13, 03:40:06pm

I was referring more to the "omg someones uncle might think little girls are attractive...." attitude that comes across to me in these kinds of discussions. I think the fear that someone might actually DO something about what they see is very reasonable, but find that it is rarely expressed in these discussions, just what people should and shouldn't see. However, I think dealing with it goes beyond wearing a tank top and shorts, and into the way we behave as a whole. If we really wanted to avoid letting anyone see something that might make a pedophile sexually attracted to a child, we would have to wrap thier entire bodies in so much fabric that they were shapeless forms, and cover thier faces completely. We'd have to do it while they are on stage too, and that would pretty much make dancing impossible. I think its beyond our reach to avoid creating any kind of view for these guys (but not out of our each to minimalize it by not running around in underwear) and that its more important to address how we can avoid whats next. Thats the important thing.

Do you think that if the little girl had been wearing a tank top and shorts that whole thing wouldnt have happened?

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