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Date Posted: Saturday, August 13, 08:17:41pm
Author: g.t.t.
Subject: Our beginners do treble hop backs though, in time to music.
In reply to: toe stands ain't all they're cracked up to be 's message, "Okayyyy, but ID can only make rules regarding ID, they can't ban flip flops," on Thursday, August 11, 04:09:42pm

But most of them can't do toe stands properly.
To do them right is really hard and takes a lot of work.
I do toe stands all the time, and I often get much praise for them. Doing toe stands isn't what hurts my feet. My point was, we place all importance in saving kids feet and toe stands have become a scapegoat for our feet problem, but really there are many other things that kids are allowed to do that are harmful for their feet and parents don't see a problem with it. I see parents rush out to buy their kids shoes that makes it easy for them to point their foot. Well, their foot is pointed but they aren't doing anything to strengthen the foot. So then, with weak feet already damaged by things like flip-flops and those rollerskating shoes (which both have been proven to be harmful to feet) start to do toestands and all the sudden its the toe stands fault that the feet hurt.
Toe stands are a few seconds in a dance. People wear flip-flops all day long, all week long, which are really more harmful to your feet then? I just think we should really look at the whole picture, not just pick out scapegoats and ignore real problems. Parents of serious dancers should know about everything that could cause the potential for damage.

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