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Date Posted: Wednesday, August 31, 10:09:45pm
Author: Aine
Subject: Injuries are part of any physical activity.
In reply to: Sam 's message, "injuries" on Saturday, August 20, 11:54:18am

The question is, are appropriate measures being done to avoid them, and are dancers encouraged to recognize and treat injuries and not just "suck it up".

I think pulling a kid from ID just because they got injured is kind of silly, because dancers will probably sustain some form of injury at some point in their lives.

I do however, think it would be perfectly reasonable to remove a child from a class where injury occurred due to not having any kind of appropriate warm-up, a ateacher who is inattentive to technique that could result in injury, or because a teacher encouraged someone to ignore a minor to moderate injury because they would be wimps for resting it.

ID does not have a stellar history when it comes to proper ways to physically train the body, and I would really like to see more attention to this kind of thing, but at the same time, you have to recognize that injuries will probably happen at times regardless.

Another note on injury: Injuries are caused by 3 different things, technique problems, lack of strength or flexibility in an area, and/or overuse. For example, if you roll your ankles often, it could be that you have a tendancy to sickle your foot and/or land unevenly. This is a technique flaw that can be corrected by paying close attention to the problem. Additionally, you may also have weak ankles, and that can be solved by doing exercises to strengthen them. An overuse injury might be something like tendonitis, or shin splints, although theses are often also linked to lack of strength and or flexibility in certain areas. For example, I have patellar tendonosis (chronic tendonitis with no apparant cause) and I treat it with Ice, occasional rest, and stretching of my quads and hamstrings to prevent irritation of the tendon caused by tightness. If you have shin splints (another typical ID injury), chances are your calves are overly strong, and your shins are very weak. Rest will help the injury heal, but strengthening the shins and stretching the calves will help prevent it from recurring.

My point is, injuries can certainly be minimized by being smart about the way you train in Irish Dance, stretching, cross-strengthening, and a steady routine rather then sporacic super-hard work will help reduce the chance of injury. However, injuries happen. Its the risk you take just by getting out of bed in the morning.

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