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Date Posted: 16:48:14 07/08/05 Fri
Author: Phantom Of The Opera
Subject: He's Here The Phantom Of The Opera

Name: Phantom Of The Opera
Age: Five
Color: White
Breed: Hanoverian
Gender: Male
Personality: malevolence yet she has been know to be a tad bit benevolent
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Ex RP post:
In sleep he sang to me
in dreams he came
That voice which calls to me
and speaks my name
And do I dream again
for now I find
the phantom of the opera is there
Inside my mind
Sing once again with me
Our strange duet
My power over you
Grows stronger yet

In sleep, he sang to me, yes as if an angel sings a crying baby to sleep when the parents cannot and have given up all hope on the poor infant. In dreams he came, this could possibly refer to an angel or possibly god coming to you in your dreams to either give you nightmares or pleasant dreams. That voice which calls to me and speaks my name, could this possibly be the devil calling to me to do deeds I know I should not do and yet because he make it seem so good I do them anyways? And do I dream again for now I find the…No all along it was me the phantom of the opera inside your mind.

It was time to move on, things I have done in my past…well lets say that some things are just left forgotten. I had dwelled in the past for far to long and it was beginning to eat me up inside. I moved on left my old home and family and came here. I knew not if this was going to be a place that would help me get over my past and start a new life or if I would have to move again to some other place in hope of moving on. The place before me was beautiful and when I say beautiful I do not me O.o.O how nice I mean this place was picturesque, magnificent, exquisite, whatever word you choose to descried this place is your choice. I felt revived and ready to move on. My silver hide glows as the sun’s rays reflect off it. My eyes were ocean blue with hints of a golden brown floating around in them like specks of fairy dust.

My long limbs carry my fairly good-sized fortress across the green-age. There were but two other equines waiting to be accepted. One had the scent of a female while the other had the scent of a male. The male looked to be a white color like myself as for the female well she was ebony hued. Both radiant looking. There breeds I did not know until I came closer, the mare looked to be a descendant of the Arabian heritage while the male looked to me a member of the…well low and behold the where both from the Arabian heritage. I was the only odd ball now of the group how odd. O.o.O well I liked being different it suited me quite well. I was quiet by nature but I was natural born leader. Though if push comes to shove I would follow until the time was right to strike out and take hold of what should be mine, or what I thought should be mine. Now all I can do now is wait.

And though you turn from me
to glance behind
The Phantom of the opera is there
inside your mind
Those who have seen your face
Draw back in fear
I am the mask you wear
it's me they hear
My/Your spirit and your/my voice
In one combined
The Phantom of the opera is there/here
inside my/your mind
the phantom of the opera
he's there
the phantom of the opera

Dubbed Phantom Of The Opera
Hued: Silver
Lineage: Hanoverian
Winter Earned: Five
Lord over: none
Residing: no where
Foals: none
AIM: XoCuteTearsoX
Yahoo: crazycowgurl7
MSN: Silence My Spirit…Kill My Soul (crazybabe7654321@msn.com)

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