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Date Posted: 20:09:28 06/23/06 Fri
Author: A'mhuir
Subject: The wind blows from the east

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Ebon stained stag waltzed back into his terra. Long charred pillars moving his frame. A grin tugged at his mug, a playful look danced in his orbs.Flints struck the raw terra beneath him leaving imprints. A path was already worn to the all too familiar hill top. He stood there a moment, dark tinted optics swept over his terra, his nares filled with the scent of summer. He lightly shook his dial from side to side, the grin still plastered upon his mug. He reared up pillars lashing at the azure sky. He threw his dial back letting his deep vocals pour out to all the corners of the terra, calling all those who still remained within its borders forth. He came back down to earth, flints hitting the soil with a thud. Banner held high, wind tugging at it, orbs watching the terra waiting for the others.
nothing left to do know except wait.
He muttered to himself, his slate bod standing out in the twilight hour.

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