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Date Posted: 11:04:12 05/12/06 Fri
Author: National Director
Subject: Sunshine Has Everything you Ever Wanted In a Pageant!

Does this describe your child?

September 1st-3rd, 2006
Marriott Hotel and Convention Center - Franklin, Tennessee

FIRM DEADLINE IS – August 14th

EVERY CHILD IS BEAUTIFUL AND WILL RECEIVE A BEAUTIFUL NATIONAL TROPHY, SASH, GIFTS GALORE and VIDEO! Also, each contestant will have a blast at the Annual Contestant's Banquet!

QUEENS AND KINGS in each age division will receive a 5' National Trophy, Stunning Round Crown, Designer Monogrammed Sash and $200 Scholarship Savings Bond (Cash on Stage).

TWO SUPREMES QUEENS AND ONE SUPREME KING will receive a 6' National Trophy, Stunning Round Crown, Designer Monogrammed Sash and $1,000 Scholarship Savings Bond (Cash on Stage).

GRAND SUPREME will receive a 6' Trophy, Stunning Round Crown, Designer Monogrammed Sash and $2,000 Scholarship Savings Bond (Cash on Stage).

THREE TALENT WINNERS will receive a Large National Trophy, Stunning National Crown, Designer Monogrammed National Banner, AND $500 Scholarship Savings Bond (Cash on Stage).

GRAND SUPREME TALENT WINNER will receive a Large National Trophy, Stunning National Crown, Designer Monogrammed National Banner, AND $1,000 Scholarship Savings Bond (Cash on Stage).

The National Pageant is going to be awesome!!!!
* Over $35,000 In Fun, Excitement and Awards
* Over $10,000 in Savings Bonds (Cash on Stage)
* More Gifts Than You Can Imagine on the Fabulous Gift Table
* Designer Monogrammed Banners
* Monogrammed Robes
* Gorgegous Round Crowns
* Televisions
* Contestant’s Will Enjoy a Full Sit-Down Banquet and Party!
* Surprise Guests at the Party!
* Every Contestant Gets $100 Discount off the Supreme Package!
* Fun, Organization and Excitement for Everyone!

Girls Age Divisions: 0-23 mo, 2 yrs, 3-4 yrs, 5-6 yrs, 7-9 yrs, 10-12 yrs, 13-18 yrs, 18-26 yrs.
Boys Age Divisions: 0-4 yrs (This age group will be split with 15 contestants. 0-23 mo, 2-4 yrs)

No Entries will be accepted after August 14th. All fees, roster photos, ad pages, and completed entry forms must be received by the deadline. No monies will be collected at the door with the exceptions of door badges and door overalls (door overalls are optional and do not have any effect with the supreme winners).

For More Information On All Upcoming Events:
Phone: (615) 591-2386
Email: sunshineproductions1@yahoo.com
PayPal to : sunshineproductions1@yahoo.com
Website: www.sunshineproductionsevents.com

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