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Date Posted: 12:17:23 01/19/07 Fri
Author: International Director
Subject: Searching for Sunshine State and Regional Representatives


We are calling upon our director’s 25 year history and commitment to young ladies and pageant experience to provide this unique opportunity for outstanding girls to build character, make memories and realize their dreams. Sunshine Productions is dedicated to celebrating our outstanding girls as we seek out, recognize and encourage our country’s future leaders. Our purpose is to help your daughter to improve her communication skills, appreciate her self-worth, gain self-confidence, and set exciting goals for the future.

You will enjoy watching your daughter SHINE! Sunshine Productions is a chance to showcase her unique gifts and abilities. It’s a fun-filled weekend for everyone with special events and a great show. It’s a special time to rally behind your daughter and show your support during this important time in her life.

Your Child Can Qualify For Sunshine’s International Finals without being in a Preliminary or State Pageant!
If Sunshine Productions does not have a Preliminary in your area or state or if your schedule does not allow you to attend a preliminary, you can qualify for Internationals! You can be a State Representative!

Over $35,000 in CASH, PRIZES, and FUN!!!!
CASH! Beautiful Round International Crowns, Royalty Robes, Huge Trophies, Tons of Gifts!!!

Everyone must qualify to attend the International Finals.
However, if there is not a prelim in your area or state you can still qualify.
All State Representatives will receive a Beautiful Crown, Monogrammed Sash with their State or Regional Title at the International Finals on October 26-28, 2007.
Your Daughter will be presented their Title and Awards on Stage!

The cost of the State Representative Title and Qualification is $100. Plus, you get $100 off your fees at the International Finals!

All you have to do is send the following information:

Representative's Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Parent's Name:
Send in a photo of your child for the website

You will then be notified of your Title

Also, Your Child Will Qualify for the $100 DISCOUNT at the International Finals and will receive their Crown and Monogrammed Sash on Stage at a special ceremony at the International Finals.

Please send your application to qualify to:

Sunshine Productions
PO Box 331247
Nashville, TN 37203

Sunshine only accepts Money Order, Cashiers Checks or PayPal. If you PayPal the address is sunshineprodutions1@yahoo.com. But please mail the contestant information listed above or email it to sunshineproductions1@yahoo.com.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Sunshine office at (615) 595-6918 or email to sunshineproductions1@yahoo.com.

Visit the Sunshine Productions Website for more information.

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