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Date Posted: 09:39:22 09/07/05 Wed
Subject: Dixieland Winners( IN ORDER...I WAS THEREIN THE 7-8 GROUP...Part II

Dixieland Winners( IN ORDER...I WAS THEREIN THE 7-8 GROUP...Part II
In reply to: TENNESSEE HILLBILLY 's message, "Dixieland Winners( IN ORDER...I WAS THEREIN THE 7-8 GROUP)" on 23:08:13 09/06/05 Tue

7-8 year division winners...Best dress..Brianna Butler...Eyes..Caroline Duncan..Swimwear-Lauren Yee..Outfit Of Choice..Lauren Yee....print model--Jordan?...portfoloio--Lauren Yee..sportswear model--Lauren Yee...Photogenic winners---4th ru-Caroline Duncan..3rd ru...Lauren Yee..2ND RU--kAYLA ?..1ST RU--Brianna Butler...photo winner-----Samantha Michelle......BEAUTY WINNERS...lEVEL 1--Karly Fletcher....Level 2--Alex Pearson..Level 3-- CAROLINE Duncan........9-10 beauty winners...Teresa ANN Jedra...Anna Lauren HALE...aSHLEY Kravitz......11-12 winners......Swimwear--Taylor Sherman...Outfit Of Choice....Marissa Zink....Sportswear...taylor Sherman.....Beauty winners...Level 1--Jessica Fugate...Level 2 Carly Knight...Level 3--Marissa Zink..........13-15 division....bEAUTY.....lEVEL 1...kELSIE sHIRLEY( CLARKSVILLE TENNESSEE GIRL)...Level 2---Amanda SHPIGLER..lEVEL 3---kAILEE Rodenbeck....................................................OVERALL MOST BEAUTIFUL..0-6----mADISON wOOLRIDEGE...7 AND UP--Dana Jo ALLEY....Beauty Photogenic winner---0-6--macy smith....7 and up--Maggie Hall...Grand Model Supreme..--shayla williamson..11 and up--K.T.meier...Mini-supreme($1000 bond)0-6..--Shelby Bryan..7 and up-Kassie Demerse......overall most beautiful.......charai reeef and britney hendy/(sorry)...overall grand novice supreme..0-4..Seven?...5-10..Brianna Butler..11 and up (TIE)..Krystal? and Lauren( sorry..tried to get em all but it was hard)..Grand model supreme....0-6--sadie welch..7-12--shayla williamson..13 and up--k.t.meir...grand supremes......casadee dunlap....darby thomas...taylor sherman..($2500 bond)...high point car winners--0-6--Brooke Jones...7 and up--Lauren Yee...sorry if i left anyone out and if the order is a bit off but this is pretty close...as i said my daughter was in the 7-8 division...16 kids in the group....134 total for the pageant...i will make additions as i check my notes

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