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On the lookout for the leading source of information about London Green Belt Architects, but have no idea where to begin? We have done all the groundwork for you with our accumulation of London Green Belt Architects essentials.
A green belt architect will have a wide range of experience in the design and construction of residential accommodation. If you're thinking of your next big project, then please let them know as they would love to help. Green belt building designers develop solutions to the ecological challenges of our time and are committed to a vision of an intelligently and responsibly designed world. The Green Belt in London comprises a vast area. It incorporates London’s suburban fringe and extends into the city region covering parts of eight counties. This large area of protected land was created originally to restrict urban growth from London and to safeguard the countryside from development. The flawed application of Green Belt policies results in far too many planning applications being determined at appeal. And in the absence of appropriate, deliverable and up-to-date Local Plans, this number is increasing. The resources that developers and landowners can bring to Local Plan Inquiries means that the odds are stacked heavily in favour of Green Belt release. If the complex issues around the Green Belt are to be adequately addressed, there needs to be a shift towards a more proactive planning system that is both strategic and regional. While part of the rationale for development in the Green Belt is the need for affordable housing, most of the development that is proposed is not ‘affordable’. Of the homes proposed for the Green Belt, less than 30 per cent of units were considered affordable.