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Date Posted: 16:27:40 05/21/14 Wed
Author: Lace
Subject: Living out fate Chapter 7

Harm and Mac's house
December 20th

Harm opened the door and let Tom Johnson walk in first. Harm had just been to the airport to pick up Mattie's father and he wondered how it would be to have the man with them during the holiday. It was their first Christmas as a family and he wanted it to be perfect, but at the same time he felt that having Tom there was important for Mattie's growth even though it might create some tension in the house.

Mac and Mattie came to meet them in the hallway, and Harm could see that Mattie was a little hesitant when she greeted her father.

“Thank you for letting me join you Colonel,” Tom said.

“We're glad to have you here Tom, and please call me Mac,” Mac took Harm's hand. “We're going for a walk while the two of you catch up. Mattie, show your father where he's staying.”

Mattie nodded. “Sure.”

“You look good, Mattie. I'm happy that you're healing so well,” Tom said.

“Thanks. What about you? Are you still drinking?” Mattie asked directly as she walked him towards the guestroom.

“I've been sober for six months now,” Tom said as he put his bag down on the floor of the guestroom and looked around. “It's a nice place.”

“It is,” Mattie turned around. “Let me know when you're ready to take a house-tour.” She left her father alone.

Thirty minutes later Harm and Mac came back from their walk to find Mattie and Tom sitting on opposite sides of the living room, not speaking a word to each other.

“Did Mattie show you around?” Mac asked Tom.

“She did. It's a nice house,” Tom said quietly and looked very uncomfortable.

“Please feel like home,” Harm said reassuringly. “I'm going to start with dinner.”

“I can help,” Tom offered.

“No, you relax and enjoy yourself.” Harm left the living room and headed for the kitchen.

Mac looked between father and daughter. “Tom, did Mattie tell you that she's doing great in school?”

“That's wonderful to hear, Mattie. Still have A's and B's then?” Tom asked.

“Mostly A's, some B's,” Mattie answered politely.

“I always said that you got your mother's head,” Tom said proudly.

Mattie turned back to the TV again, and Mac could see that Tom was unsure about continuing a conversation. “Maybe you should take your father out for a walk. I'm sure he would love to walk on the beach.”

Mattie stood. “Sure.”

Mac watched them leave before she joined Harm in the kitchen. “How's it going?” he asked.

“It's awkward,” Mac said as she put her hand on his back as she watched him make a salad. “I'm sure it'll be fine.”

“Mattie was the one who suggested inviting him here, so I'm sure she'll ease up eventually. I think she has a lot she wants to say, but she doesn't know how to.” Harm put the knife down and turned to her. “How are you doing?”

“Fine,” she answered with a teasing smile. “You better take it easy on the worrying Daddy or you'll be exhausted by the time junior arrives.”

Harm laughed softly. “Just making sure you don't overdo it, honey.”

Mac rolled her eyes. “Well, honey, I'm feeling perfectly fine.”

Harm kissed her softly. “Love you.”

Mac couldn't help herself, she couldn't stay annoyed when he looked at her that way. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

Satisfied with her response he smiled and turned back to the task of making dinner.

Christmas Day

The day had been perfect Harm thought as he sat down by Mac's side on the couch after dinner. In the kitchen Mattie and Tom were cleaning up, and Harm loved the sound of Mattie's laughter as she talked to her father. Trish and Frank, and Jennifer had joined them for dinner and were now relaxing with wine in front of the TV.

Harm felt Mac relax against him, and he put his arm around her and pulled her close.

“How are you liking San Diego Jennifer?” Trish asked.

“I love it, ma'am,” Jennifer said with a shy smile. “The only time I've actually missed snow is now that it's Christmas.”

“You don't miss your family during Christmas?” Trish questioned.

Jennifer hesitated. “No. It's just my father, and we don't agree on anything.”

Trish thought it wise not to ask more about that subject. “Do you like being in the Navy?”

“I do, ma'am. The Colonel has been pushing me into taking some legal assistant night courses, which is very inspiring. I've also been helping more with investigations and assisting lawyers with ongoing cases, and it's exciting,” Jennifer said.

“Anyone can answer my phone, it's a waste of your talent Jenn,” Mac said reassuringly.

“I appreciate that, ma'am.” Jennifer was happy with her new assignment at the JLSC, and she hoped her new responsibility would be good for her career.

“If you ever get bored Jennifer, you can come work for me,” Harm offered.

“Hey, you can't steal her away from me,” Mac warned in a teasing tone.

“Thanks Harm, but I think I'll stick with the Navy for now,” Jennifer said with a smile.

“I guess someone has to make sure Mac takes care of herself and doesn't forget to eat,” Harm said.

Mac rolled her eyes. “I've managed to survive so far Harmon, without a caretaker.”

“You've had me around making sure you didn't starve to death,” Harm continued his teasing.

“Why men doesn't come with an off button I'll never understand,” Mac said with a slight smile. “That way you can take them out to open the pickle jar or when the car needs new tires...”

“That's not all we do,” Harm argued.

Their bantering where interrupted by Mattie and Tom coming to join them. “We wanted to talk to you guys about something,” Mattie said.

“Since I'm leaving tomorrow morning now would be a good time. Mattie have talked to me about her wishes,” Tom started.

“I told my Dad that I want to continue living here with you guys, so he won't contest the custody agreement at the hearing in February,” Mattie explained. “I don't trust my Dad enough to live with him, and I feel safe here with you guys.”

“I think this is the best thing for Mattie, and it's what she wants,” Tom said.

“What do you guys think?” Mattie asked.

“Mac and I want to continue being your guardians, Mattie, you know that,” Harm said.

“I think it's a very sensible decision, Mattie,” Mac agreed. “And we love having you here.”

“It's so good to hear you being so honest, Mattie,” Trish said proudly.

Mattie hesitated. “There's one more thing. Dad and I have decided to sell Grace Aviation.”

“I'm in no position to run the place, and financially we can't make it,” Tom explained.

“I'm okay with it,” Mattie looked directly at Harm. “It was my idea.”

Harm nodded. “Then I support it.”

“Thank you for all you've done for Mattie and me, I don't know how to repay you,” Tom said.

“There's no need to repay us, we do it because we care,” Harm took Mac's hand in his.

The next morning Harm and Mattie took Tom back to the airport. Mattie hugged her father and told him that she loved him. Harm was so proud when he watched Mattie interact with her Dad. She had come a long way since they first met. As they walked back to the car he told her how proud he was.

Mattie shrugged it off. “I just hope he'll stay sober and that he'll find a way to be truly happy.”

“Knowing that you are happy helps, I think,” Harm said and put his arm around Mattie's shoulder. “And he looks better than what I can remember seeing him.”

Mattie smiled. “Yeah, I think so too.”

To be continued.

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[> Amazingly written. Loved the tension of Mattie and Tom. Every well done. Can't wait for more -- Beth, 21:27:02 05/21/14 Wed [1]

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[> [> Good chapter Lace, portrayed the family dynamic nicely, looking forward to 'baby time'. -- JoyZ, 11:22:35 05/22/14 Thu [1]

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[> good chapter Lace and well written -- Bev uk, 14:56:48 05/22/14 Thu [1]

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[> I agree with all the above comments, I'm looking forward to more! -- Ciara, 07:19:04 05/23/14 Fri [1]

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[> Great chapter. -- cd, 13:59:07 05/25/14 Sun [1]

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