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Date Posted: 22:29:27 07/03/14 Thu
Author: usmgrad, couldn't resist after watching Fair Winds tonight
Subject: Repost - FLIP

Title – Repost Anniversary Challenge #1 - Flip
Author – usmgrad

Disclaimer - JAG and its characters are the property of CBS Television, Paramount Studios and Bellisarius Productions. All rights reserved. No monetary gain will be realized from this story and no copyright infringement is intended.

I just watched the final episode of JAG on INSP. Reminded me of the first anniversary challenge issued in 2010, “What happen next?” a one part story about the 24 hours after the coin toss. This is what I came up with then. My challenge to you , what do you think happened in the 24 hours after the coin toss?

From the last scene:

Bud “When Admiral Chegwidden retired, he gave me his JAG coin. And I thought this would be the perfect moment to use it.

I use to live a quiet life. I sat on a shelf and was pretty much left alone. A few years ago I went to a new home with a man, a woman and four little kids. I liked my new place with all the other coins, to be looked at but not touched. At least that's what the woman with the blond hair keeps telling the boys. I wonder if she knows they play with me when she's not looking. All that changed last night.

“Harriett did you know there's peanut butter on the JAG coin?”

I sure hope he doesn't pick up the coin with the boat on it, it's covered with jelly. So I'm a JAG coin. I wonder what a JAG is. The lady grabbed me said something about punishing the boys and took me out of the room. I found myself drowning under a cold stream of water. Why can't she warm up the water? After a quick drying, I got shoved into the man's pocket. I don't like pockets, they're dark and scary and you never know what else is in there. I can't breathe in pockets.

I'm finally pulled from the dark cavern to discover we are no longer in the house. We're in a noisy, dark place, I think someone called it a bar, whatever that is and there's a group of people around the man. He held me up so everyone could see my head and tail, (he got them right!) He said something and a pretty woman with a red dress said tails. Then he flipped me, hard. I got really dizzy. Normally when the boys play with me they catch me in their hands. I don't know what's wrong with all the big people standing around but they all watched me flip right past them and land on the floor, a very hard, cold and dirty floor.

Clink, clank, clunk then silence.

Maybe I should have landed on my side? After a minute the lady in red picked me up and started rubbing me, I think she was crying. There was a very tall man that took me from the lady, but she took me back said I was her good luck charm. He laughed, told the other man he just lost his coin and kissed the lady in red.

The tall man held her tight, she held me tight and they both told everyone good night.

The man wanted to put me in his pocket but the lady in red said no. I think I love the lady in red. She kept looking at me the entire time we were in the car. Every time the car would stop the man would kiss they lady. She finally told him if he didn't behave she would give him a Marine Corp hicky. I wonder what that means. We ended up someplace with lots of boxes, I sure hope I don't end up in one of those boxes, that's worse than being in a pocket.

The lady held me up telling the man how important I was but I don't think he wasn't listening. He seemed real interested in the back of her dress, he kept playing with it. I think he broke it because it fell off. He must have broken her legs too because he had to pick her up. The man asked the lady if she was going to hold me all night, she said she might and he laughed. He suggested she find someplace safe to put me because her hands were needed for something else. Does anyone know what consummate a deal means?

Anyhow, I found myself placed head side up on the desk next to her purse and a picture. The man told the picture to watch over me because I was a special and to make sure I didn't disappear. Like where am I going to go everything in the room is a sealed box? So now I have this picture man watching me. I'm not sure where they went but I'm glad they left because I think they were going to start fighting, she called him flyboy and told him to put her down, her called her ninja girl and said he had been waiting nine years he wasn't about to put her down. Where ever they went there must have been bunk beds like the boys I use to live with had cause there was a lot of laughter, and bouncing noise, then I thought I heard the lady say 'hey I thought it was my turn on top!' there wasn't much noise after that.

That was last night, now I hear water running. I think their fighting again, you would think by now one of them would have won or given up. I sure hope their mom doesn't come in and see the mess they're making they might never be able to come out of their room. Come to think of it they haven't come out in a very long time.

The lady isn't wearing red today, she's wearing green and the man is wearing blue. I wonder if that's what they were fighting about. Hey I remember these two, it was a long time ago and seems to me they were fighting then too. And the man likes to flip coins. I sure hope the lady keeps me away from him he could be dangerous. Uh oh, they are leaving, guess I have to go in a box with the picture man after all. Wait a minute the tall man is picking me up.
“You don't want to leave without Flip do you?” He's tossed me to the lady and is now kissing her. They sure do kiss a lot.

“Why Flip?” she asks as she looks at me.

“F L I P - Fate's little innocent participant.”

She laughs as we all walk out the door; I wonder where we're going?

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[> Love FLIP, very clever! Maybe next could be, "WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE". Still hurts to see it end, so sad. -- JoyZ, 00:41:59 07/04/14 Fri [1]

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[> [> This was just adorable. FLIP was perfect! Thank you for sharing. -- carramor, 18:10:34 07/06/14 Sun [1]

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[> Perfect -- Beth, 07:49:14 07/04/14 Fri [1]

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