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Date Posted: 09:29:48 07/19/14 Sat
Author: Lace
Subject: In sickness (part of the nine years after series)

The characters aren't mine..
Mistakes are...

Posted earlier:
1 Family time
2Family vacation

Mac and Harm's house
Washington D.C
January 10th 2014

Admiral Harmon Rabb Junior finished the last of the pancakes he was preparing and put the plate down on the table. As usual the house was chaotic in the morning as everyone prepared for their day. Harm sat down and opened the newspaper, deciding to give his family ten minutes before he started yelling for them to hurry up.

Harm had been feeling a bit off over the last week and was thankful that it was Friday. He was planning on having a quiet weekend, something that should be possible since the JAG workload had eased a little over the week. He was into his third year as the Judge Advocate General, a position that demanded a lot, but that occasionally had quiet periods, something he was thankful for now.

Colonel Sarah Mackenzie walked into the kitchen clad in her uniform ready for a new day at the Judiciary, stationed one floor above her husband. They had been married for nine years now and going strong. Four kids, three adopted and one biological, the ages seven to twenty-five kept them busy.

“I called Bethesda, you have an appointment at 0900,” Mac said as she joined him by the table.

Harm put the paper down. “Mac, it's just a cold or something.”

“I'd prefer to have it checked out. You haven't been yourself lately, Harm.” Mac reached for his hand and offered a sweet smile. “Do it for me?”

Harm nodded. “Fine, I'll do it for you.”

They shared a sweet kiss just as their sixteen year old son Nathan and their seven year old son Matthew entered the kitchen and they were rewarded with a ; “Yuck.” from Matthew.

Harm released his wife. “Finally, I was wondering if I had to send out a search party.”

“Mom, can you talk to Claire? She's using an eternity to get ready and I have to leave now. I can't wait any longer,” Nathan whined as he grabbed a pancake.

“What's the rush?” Mac asked.

“I'm picking up Sophie,” Nathan said as he finished the pancake in a hurry and he blushed by the mentioning of his girlfriend.

Matthew let out a laugh as he joined his parent's by the table. “Nathan has a girlfriend.”

“I do not,” Nathan said with an eye roll. “Can't a boy and a girl be just friends?”

Harm stood and walked over to the coffee machine. “Your Mom and I used to be just friends.”

Mac was about to reply when she saw Harm suddenly grabbing his left side and leaned towards the counter. “Harm?” she jumped to her feet.

“It feels like someone is stamping on my heart, Mac,” Harm said as he breathed heavily.

“Nathan, call an ambulance!” Mac ordered as she took a hold of her husband and made him sit down on the floor. “Breath slowly, okay? Everything will be alright.”

Harm nodded as he tried to relax. Fifteen minutes later he was in an ambulance with Mac holding his hand.

Back at the house Nathan ordered his siblings into his father's SUV and told them to buckle up.

“Nathan, will Dad be okay?” Matthew asked.

“Sure he will, Matt. Dad's tough, he'll be fine,” Nathan said and looked at his sister who were crying. “Don't worry Claire, it's probably just stress.”

“What if it's a heart attach?” Claire asked through her tears.

“The Doctor's will figure it out and fix him,” Nathan said and gave Claire a strict look and motioned with his head to the beck seat.

“Yes, of course they will,” Claire said and wiped her eyes. “Matthew, Dad will be fine.”

Bethesda Naval Hospital
Three hours later

Mac was sitting by her husbands bed holding his hand as he slept peacefully. Harm was scheduled to have a small surgical procedure to unclog two major arteries leading to his heart. The Doctor's were optimistic and had assured them that Harm would be fine, but Mac was scared. This was the first time since they got married that any of them had had any life threatening health issues and she wondered how her husband, the health freak could have gotten heart problems.


Mac noticed that Harm's eyes were open and that he was smiling at her. “Hey, how are you honey?”

“Don't worry, baby. The Doctor's know what they are doing, so just relax,” Harm said and squeezed her hand.

“You scared me.” Mac moved to sit on his bed. Harm moved the bed to a sitting position and pulled his wife close. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too,” Harm whispered as he held her close to him. “ You're not going to lose me, Mac. It's just a small procedure and then I'll be as good as new.”

Mac nodded her head. “I know.”

“We can start planning our vacation,” Harm reminded her. “Just you and me, no kids and no work, relaxing in the sun.”

Mac smiled and moved back to look at him. “It sounds lovely.”

Harm leaned in and kissed her sweetly. “It's about time we get to spend some time together just you and me.”

Mac leaned in and kissed him again, and just as Harm was slipping his hand inside her shirt a nurse interrupted them. “It's time to go, Admiral.”

Harm pulled away from Mac and offered a smile in the nurse's direction. “I'm a little busy.”

The nurse laughed softly. “I can see that, but I think it's smart to come with me anyway.”

Mac got off the bed. “Be good in there. I love you.”

“I'm always good,” Harm said as he stole one last kiss. “See you soon.”

Mac watched as the nurse wheeled Harm away before she reached for her phone and started calling around to clear her schedule for the next week.

One week later
Harm and Mac's house

Harm whistled as he descended the stairs leading from the second floor. He was one happy man. He had been on a rush since his surgery, happy to be alive, happy to have an amazing family.

“Dad, I made breakfast,” Claire announced when he entered the kitchen. “You just sit down and relax.”

Harm bent down and kissed his wife good morning before he sat down by the table. “Come and sit Claire.”

Claire noticed the seriousness in her father's tone and followed orders. “What's up?”

“I realize that my resent health problems have upset everyone, but according to my Doctor I'm healthy as a horse. I can make my own food, wash my own clothes and I don't have to go to bed until I myself want to,” Harm said and looked around the table. “I'm grateful for all you've done for me, but let's go back to normal now, okay?”

“Dad, are yo going to live to be a hundred?” Matthew asked.

“Maybe even a hundred and ten,” Harm said and ruffled the kids hair. “Now, how's that breakfast coming?”

Claire jumped to her feet. “Coming.”

“Don't forget your appointment at 0900, honey,” Mac said as she stood. “I have to go because I have court, but I'll see you guys tonight.” She kissed her husband sweetly and hugged all three children. “Love you guys.”

“Love you too,” were heard from everyone.

Harm looked around the table and smiled. “You guys are the best.”

“We're just happy to have you here with us Dad,” Nathan said. “Claire and I already lost one father, we sure as hell don't want to lose you too.”

“Well, I'm sure your Dad is proud of you two wherever he is,” Harm put his hand on Nathan's shoulder. “I sure am.”

“I love you Dad,” Matthew said, his brown eyes sparkling just like his mother's did when she was happy.

Later that night
Harm and Mac's house

Harm found his wife out on the porch, her head bowed and quiet sniffles could be heard. Harm had been reading to Matthew as he did every night and when he'd come downstairs again he couldn't find Mac anywhere. Nathan had told him that she had stepped outside a little earlier so Harm had decided to go find her.

“Honey?” he sat down beside his wife and put his arm around her shoulder. “Hey, what's going on?”

“I just...” she sniffled and wiped away her tears. “I don't know.”

“Mac, you've been holding it together for everyone, maybe it was time to fall apart a little,” Harm said and kissed her head.

“I could have lost you,” Mac said between sniffles. “I don't know what I would do without you.”

Harm held her close and let her cry, Nathan and Claire stepped out on the porch and Harm could see how worried they got when they noticed their mother crying.

“Mom, are you okay?” Nathan asked.

“I'm okay,” Mac said as she wiped her tears away and stood.

“Your Mom's been so focused on taking care of everyone that she forgot that she's been scared too,” Harm said as he stood as well.

Claire gave her mother a hug. “I love you, Mom.”

Nathan hugged his mother as well. “I love you, Mom.”

“I love yo guys too,” Mac said as she hugged them both. “I'm so lucky to have all of you in my life.” She let them go and smiled.

“What's going on?”

They all turned towards the door and saw Matthew looking at them. “Come here, honey,” Mac said and held her arms out. Matthew willingly ran over and hugged his mother. “Mommy's just being sentimental.”

“Come on, it's time for bed,” Mac said as she let Matthew go. “It's a school night.”

They all walked inside the house, hugged again and said their good nights to each other. Once Mac walked into her and Harm's bedroom she went straight into her husbands waiting arms.

“I love you so much, Harm,” she said as she let him hold her.

“I love you too, Sarah,” Harm said.

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[> another sweet chapter Lace -- Bev uk, 09:36:19 07/19/14 Sat [1]

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[> Good to see another chapter, a dose of reality, but all is well. Thanks Lace. -- JoyZ, 09:04:02 07/20/14 Sun [1]

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[> You had me scared in the beginning. Great writing. -- Beth, 20:22:56 07/20/14 Sun [1]

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