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Date Posted: 06:03:20 08/06/14 Wed
Author: Lace
Subject: Keepig the ship floating

Part four of the "Nine years after" series

The JAG characters aren't mine, mistakes are.

Harm and Mac's house
Washington D.C
March 10th

Admiral Harmon Rabb junior checked his uniform before he grabbed his cap and walked downstairs. He yawned widely as he headed straight for the coffee. As usual when Mac was away he didn't sleep very well. The bed felt too big and he always moved around trying to hold her during the night and woke up when he couldn't find her.

“Where's your brother and sister?” Harm asked his youngest son.

Matthew shrugged. “Claire is probably still in the bathroom and Nathan went for a run.”

Harm nodded. “We better get going, buddy. Go get Claire, will you?”

“Sure, Dad,” Matthew stood and prepared to leave when he suddenly remembered something. “Oh, Dad, I'm supposed to hand in my science project today.”

Harm smiled. “Go get it then. We don't want to forget.”

Matthew hesitated. “I would, but I can't. I didn't do it.”

“What?” Harm's yes widened.

“Well, Mom said that we'd do it this weekend, then she had to go away last week and I know I told you about it, but we spent the weekend at the Robert's since you had to work,” Matthew offered a shrug. “It's a shame we don't have a dog.”

Harm was confused. “A dog?”

“Yeah, I could have said that the dog ate the project,” Matthew said as he walked past his Dad. “We should get going.”

An hour later Harm was by his desk when his yeoman let him know that there was a call from his son's school.

“Admiral Rabb speaking,” Harm said into the phone.

“Yes, Admiral, this is Mr Carter, I'm calling about your son Nathan,” the principal said. “He's been in a fight.”

“He what?” Harm stood abruptly.

“You better come here, Admiral,” the principal said.

It turned out that someone in Nathan's class had seen Mac on TV the previous night as she was asked about the ongoing case she was presiding over. The boy had made a remark about Mac being a MILF and Nathan had pushed him into a locker, which in turn made the boy jump Nathan and then the fight was on.

Harm apologized and made Nathan apologize, but despite his best effort to convince the principal that Nathan shouldn't be expelled the principal though that the incident required a two day expulsion.

Harm drove Nathan home and waited until they were inside the house before he exploded.

“What the hell were you thinking?”

“You should have heard what Drew said about Mom, you would have pushed him too,” Nathan defended himself.

“Nathan, your Mom has a job that sometimes, when there's a high profile case, put her in the medias eyes, just like me. There will be remarks, but that in no way will excuse your behavior. Is that clear?” Harm asked.

“Yes, sir,” Nathan said.

“Good. Now I expect you to call your Mom and let her know what you did. You are grounded for two weeks and you will email all your teachers to make sure that you don't miss out these two days. I'm expecting you to do the same amount of work as your fellow students while you're expelled,” Harm continued.

“Yes, sir,” Nathan said.

“I'm very disappointed, Nathan,” Harm put his hand on Nathan's shoulder. “I'll see you later tonight.”

Nathan nodded. “I'll make dinner. I'm really sorry, Dad.”

“I know you are,” Harm said with a slight smile.

The next night
Harm and Mac's house

Harm ran his hand over Matthew's cheek before he stood. He took one last look on his son before he left the room. It had already been a long week and it was only Tuesday night. Today he'd been called at the office by Matthew's soccer coach, who told him that Matthew had fallen and hurt his arm and that he'd been taken to the hospital to get it looked at. Harm had jumped into his car right away to go be with his son at the hospital. It turned out that Matthew had a small fracture and needed to have a cast on for six weeks.

As Harm walked downstairs he was met by Claire. “Dad you have to take me to the store.”

“Now?” Harm shook his head. “It has to wait until tomorrow, pretty girl.”

“Dad, I need pads and stuff,” Claire said.

“Oh,” Harm hesitated. “Have you checked if your Mom has any?”

“Yes, and she doesn't. Now can we go?” Claire asked impatiently.

Harm nodded. “Yes, we can go. Just let me tell Nathan first and get my keys.”

Harm used the time while waiting on Claire to pick up some things he knew they needed. He was just about to go look for his daughter when he heard his name being called.

“Alicia, hi,” he said with a smile.

“It's good to see you again, Harm,” Alicia offered a hug. “You look good.”

“So do you,” Harm said once the hug ended. “How are you?”

“Oh, you know, busy. But that's the way I like it. How are you? I haven't seen you since you helped me with that case last year,” Alicia said.

“Yeah, how is your nephew doing?” Harm wondered.

“He's doing great, Still on board the Patrick Henry, and my brother says that he's doing well. I'm just glad we managed to clear him of the charges. I never will be able to pay you back for what you did, Harm,” Alicia touched his arm.

“I was glad to help,” Harm said with a sweet smile. He had loved working with Alicia again, she was smart and a great lawyer.

“So, how's the family?” Alicia asked.

As always Harm smiled proudly at the mentioning of his family. “Very well. It's busy with all the kids and their activities, school and Mac and I both have demanding careers, but at the end of the day I always go to bed smiling.”

“I'm glad,” Alicia smiled and hugged him again and kissed his cheek. “Tell Mac I said hello, and let's have dinner soon.”

“Yeah, let's do that,” Harm saw Claire approaching. “Well, I better go.”

Claire looked less than happy when she saw her father. “Who was that?”

“An old friend. Did you get what you needed?” Harm asked.

“Yeah,” Claire mumbled.

Later that night Harm had just secured the house for the night when his phone rang and he saw that it was Mac. He smiled as he answered.

“Hi Baby,” he said.

“Harm ,what's going on at home? Claire called and she was very upset.” Mac said in an angry tone.

“Matthew had a little accident at soccer today, he has to wear a cast for six weeks, but he's fine,” Harm explained.

“Matthew broke his arm?” Mac questioned.

“I thought that was why you were upset?” Harm was confused.

“No, I was upset because my daughter called me in tears because her father was kissing another woman,” Mac snapped. “Harm, why didn't you take the time to explain it to her? I assume it has a logical explanation?”

“Of course it has. I met Alicia Montes at the store and she kissed my cheek. I didn't think about Claire misunderstanding it, I thought she was grumpy because she had her period,” Harm reasoned.

“God Harm, that's just typical men,” Mac snapped.” I'll see you tomorrow. I'll be home in time for dinner.”

“I love you,” Harm said.

“You better,” Mac said and hung up.

The next night
Harm and Mac's house

Harm and the kids finished setting the table and doing the last of the preparations for dinner. Harm was anxiously looking at his watch, hoping that Mac wouldn't be late. As he declared the dinner finished the front door opened and shut and soon Mac was standing in the doorway leading to the kitchen.

Matthew ran over straight away, while the other's stood by, excited, but unsure of Mac's mood.

Mac kissed Matthew's face and hugged him close. “Are you okay, baby?”

“The cast is pretty cool, and in a few weeks it'll smell gross,” Matthew said proudly.

Mac smiled and kissed him again, before she turned her focus on the other's. “I leave you guys alone for a week and there's chaos.”

“I'm sorry Mom,” Nathan said hesitantly.

Harm walked over to his wife. “God I'm glad to have you back,” he said before kissing her deeply. “Promise me you won't leave ever again.”

Mac smiled. “Hey, everyone is alive and the house is still standing, so all in all you guys did good.”

Claire walked over and hugged her mother. “We saw you on TV. That's so cool.”

“It was a nightmare,” Mac rubbed her tired eyes. “I'm so glad it's over. So what's for dinner?”

“Dad made his famous lasagna,” Matthew said.

“Great, I'm starving,” Mac took her husbands hand. “Did you get to do any work at all while I was away, or will you work day and night to catch up the next week?”

“Nah, it's not so bad,” Harm said as he led her to the table. “

While they had dinner Mac decided to bring up a few things. “Matthew you promised me that you'd ask Uncle Bud to help you with the science project. That was your responsibility.”

“I know Mom, I'm sorry. But Miss Wilder gave until tomorrow to finish it and I'm almost done.”

“I know, I talked to her myself,” Mac turned to Claire and Nathan. “As for the two of you. Nathan, fighting?”

“I know, I acted like an idiot. Drew and I talked and we apologized to each other,” Nathan said.

“And you,” Mac looked at Claire. “And you,” she looked at Harm. “You have to communicate better.”

“Yes, ma'am,” Harm said.

“I'm sorry,” Claire said to both her parent's.

“Dad, don't Admiral's outrank Colonel's?” Matthew asked.

“Yeah, but wife outrank husband,” Harm said with a chuckle.

Mac laughed. “So, anything new?”

They finished dinner and Mac excused herself to change and put away her things while the others cleaned up the kitchen. When Mac walked into the bedroom after taking a shower Matthew were seated on the bed waiting for her.

“What's up little monkey?” Mac asked.

“The cast is itchy,” Matthew complained.

Mac hurried to dress before she found one of Harm's combs and gave it to her son. “Use this.” She sat down on the bed beside him. “It's good to be home.”

Matthew used the comb to scratch under the cast. “You sounded smart on TV.”

Mac laughed softly. “Really?”

“Yeah,” Matthew confirmed. “I think Dad missed you. He's been grumpy in the mornings.”

“I missed him too,” Mac said with a laugh. “And you guys.”

Matthew smiled and stood. “I better finish my project for school. I'm glad you're home Mom.”

“Me too, honey,” Mac said as she watched her son leave the room. It really was good being home.

“A beautiful woman on my bed, what should I do about that?” Harm said from the doorway.

Mac looked at him and smiled. “You could kiss her.”

“Yes, ma'am,” Harm said as he walked into the room. He sat down on the bed and kissed her deeply. He was just about to pull her down on the bed when they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Are you guys decent?” Nathan asked, keeping his eyes covered with his hand.

Harm let go of his wife and laughed. “Yes.”

“What's up?” Mac asked.

“Matthew is about to see if his project was a success,” Nathan said.

Harm took Mac's hand as they stood and followed Nathan into the hallway. Matthew was getting ready to drop the egg from the banister.

“The moment of truth,” Claire said.

Everyone watched as the egg safely decented to the first floor. “Awesome,” Matthew sad.

“Great job, honey,” Mac said and hugged her son. “Now, it's time for bed. It's a school night tomorrow.”

As the kids left to get ready for bed Harm wrapped his arms around his wife. “It's great to have you home, baby.”

Mac kissed him sweetly. “You have no idea. I love you.”

“I love you more,” Harm said and kissed her again.

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[> Perfect ending to a bad week. Mac really is the glue to hold the family together. -- Beth, 07:22:29 08/06/14 Wed [1]

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[> Tough week for Harm - but a very enjoyable story! -- Teacup, 09:16:39 08/07/14 Thu [1]

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[> Thanks for another 'day in the life' of the Rabb family, typical Harm situations! -- JoyZ, 09:47:29 08/07/14 Thu [1]

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[> Thank you Lace, always nice to read a new Harm & Mac story! Loved it! -- Ciara, 11:02:15 08/08/14 Fri [1]

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