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Date Posted: 16:11:23 08/08/14 Fri
Author: Lace
Subject: Living out fate Chapter 17

This will be the final chapter so far. Maybe I will continue the story sometime, but for now this will be the ending.

Thanks for following the story.

The characters aren't mine, mistakes are.

Chapter 17

December 21th
San Diego International Airport

Mac looked around, but still there was no sign of Chloe. One person after the other walked out of the gate and finally she could see the familiar face of her little sister. Mac hurried to meet her and got a huge smile in return.

“Finally,” Mac said as she hugged Chloe.

“It's so great to see you, Mac,” Chloe more or less yelled. “Where's Harm?”

Mac released Chloe. “He's waiting with Mattie for her plane to board. We should go find them and say goodbye before we pick up your luggage.”

“It sucks that Mattie will be with her Dad this Christmas,” Chloe said as she followed Mac. “You know how much I love the fact that I'm here and not with drunk under the Christmas three Uncle Phil and naggy Aunt Page?”

“Chloe,” Mac warned.

“What?” Chloe asked innocently. “I don't understand how Grandma can stand to be with them for one whole week. You know what we have to do? Hot chocolate with marshmallows, and we have to make those cookies like we always do when we're together.”

Mac smiled. “This is going to be great.”

“Yeah,” Chloe agreed as she spotted Mattie and Harm. She ran over and hugged them both.

“I have to go before they close the gate,” Mattie hugged Mac. “See you guys in a week.”

“Have fun,” Mac said as the hug ended. “I love you.”

“I love you guys too,” Mattie said with a sweet smile. “Bye.”

They watched her leave before Harm took Mac's hand and they went in search of Chloe's luggage.

Mac and Harm's house
The next day

Chloe surprised Mac and Harm in bed with breakfast, and Harm excused himself to go for a run. Chloe sat down on his side of the bed with Mac while Emily was chatting away in her own language lying between them.

“You girls have fun,” Harm said as he walked past them in his running gear.

“Enjoy your run,” Mac said as she sipped her coffee. “Thank you for this Chloe, but wouldn't you rather sleep in when you're on vacation?”

“Nah, I'd much rather spend time with you,” Chloe said and reached for Emily. “And you,” she said with a cute voice.

“Well, I'm glad you're here. And I've been able to take a couple of days off too, so we'll get to spend a lot of time together which is great,” Mac said.

“I'll help you arrange everything for the christening on New Years Eve,” Chloe offered.

“Thanks, but I have everything under control so all you have to do is show up,” Mac said with a sweet smile.

“I'm so happy to be here. I miss you guys,” Chloe said with a pout.

“We miss you too,” Mac said.

New Years Eve
La Jolla, church

The church was filling up with all their friends and family. Harm walked up the aisle and smiled as he passed his mother who already had tears in her eyes. He kissed Emily's head and handed her over to his mother before he took his place in front of the alter. He smiled when he noticed the curious look Trish was giving him, and he smiled even wider when the music started and the church doors opened. Mac appeared clad in a beautiful wedding gown, taking Harm's breath away as she was led down the aisle by her uncle Matt.

Harm's heart beat faster as Matt and Mac stopped in front of him and Matt kissed Mac's cheek and handed her over to Harm. The minister started talking.

“We are gathered her today to watch Harmon and Sarah renew their vows in front of all their loved ones.”

Harm and Mac shared a loving look as the minister continued. They had planned this since they found out they were pregnant with Emily, and they had kept it a secret. They knew that they had let down a lot of people by getting married in a hurry the last time. They had gone to the court house, and the only people there were Harm's parent's and Mattie.

“Harm, will you continue to have Sarah as your wife and continue your happy and loving marriage?”

“I will,” Harm said.

“Sarah, will you continue to have Harmon as your husband and continue your happy and loving marriage?”

“I will,” Mac said.

“Now you can both say a few words,” the minister continued.

Harm smiled as he took Mac's hands in his. “Mac, you know me better than anyone else in this world and somehow still you manage to love me. You are my best friend and one true love. There is still a part of me today that cannot believe that I’m the one who got to marry you. I love you.”

Mac wiped away a tear and smiled. “ Harm, you have been my best friend, mentor, playmate, confidant and probably my greatest challenge. But most importantly, you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and feelmore loved than I ever thought possible. So far our marriage has been everything I ever hoped it could be. I love you so much.”

The priest smiled when Harm leaned in and kissed Mac. “Now, let's have Emily and the godparent's come join us,” he said once the kiss ended.

Mattie, holding her sister, and Chloe joined them by the alter. Mac reached for her daughter and the priest started the christening.

Once the christening was over there were rounds of congratulations, then pictures were taken before Harm announced that there would be a big party.

Later while Harm and Mac were dancing Harm whispered in Mac's ear. “Thank you for loving me.”

Mac smiled. “I meant what I said in my vows, Harm. I love you so much.”

“I love you too,” Mac said and kissed him.

The End

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[> Lace, thanks for a lovely story, and the happy ending which we all hope will happen. Sorry to hear you're taking a break tho, but on the bright side, so many scenerios, when you'r ready! -- JoyZ, 11:42:32 08/09/14 Sat [1]

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[> Beautiful ending to a wonderful story. Hope you'll be back to writing more stories soon. -- Beth, 14:58:25 08/09/14 Sat [1]

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