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Date Posted: 15:31:58 09/03/14 Wed
Author: Lace
Subject: Some things never change

Some things never change

Part of the "nine years after" series.

The characters aren't mine, mistakes are...

Harm and Mac's house
June 14th

The breakfast table was unusually quiet. Harm stole short glances in his wife's direction as she did her best to ignore him. Nathan and Claire looked at each other over their cereal, non of them sure what to say. Matthew had excused himself to go play outside after he'd finished his breakfast.

“I'm taking Matthew with me to the skate park,” Nathan said as he stood. “We'll be home for lunch.”

Claire stood as well. “I have plans with Lisa remember? Then there's the slumber party tonight with the girls at Tanya's place. Lisa and I will go straight from her place,” she said as she gave her brother a glare.

“I can take her to Lisa's place,” Nathan hurried to say.

“That's fine,” Harm said as he yet again looked at his wife.

“Have fun,” Mac said with a sweet smile. “And I'll be calling Tanya's Mom tonight to make sure that you girls are behaving.”

“Yes, ma'am,” Claire said as she hugged her mother.

After saying their goodbyes, the kids hurried out the door leaving the two adults alone to continue their discussion. Mac continued reading the paper, sipping her coffee and ignoring her husband. Harm stood and started clearing the table as he tried to figure out how to get his wife to talk to him.

It had all started when Harm was away for a few days to help Jack Keeter with some maintenance on his newly purchased steerman. On Thursday night he had called home, like he did every night, and Nathan had told him that Mac was out to dinner with an old friend. Harm had asked who the old friend was and in turn Nathan had confirmed that it was a Clayton Webb. Harm hadn't freaked out right away, but during the night and next day he had begun to wonder why Mac hadn't told him about it herself. Why was she even having dinner with her ex boyfriend anyway?

By the time Harm had arrived back in D.C Friday night he had been over thinking the situation and in turn more or less confronted Mac with it, in a less than calm way, before she'd even had a chance to tell him about the dinner herself. It had turned into a huge fight which led to Harm sleeping in the guest room.

Harm wiped off the table as he wondered how to proceed. He washed his hands and dried them on the kitchen towel, finally he turned to his wife. “Want to kiss and make up?” he said in a teasing tone.

Mac looked up from her paper, let out an annoyed sound, stood and left the kitchen.

“Apparently not,” Harm said to the empty kitchen. He picked up the phone and arranged for flowers to be delivered at their house. Pleased with himself he walked upstairs to their bedroom to take a shower. He was met in the doorway by his agitated wife, clad in her running gear.

“Mac, can we talk about this?” he asked sweetly.

She hurried past him. “I'm going for a run.”

By lunchtime Harm had tried to engage in a conversation with her at least ten more times without the desired result.

“Stubborn Marine,” he muttered under his breath.

“What was that?” Mac snapped.

“I just think it's silly that you're acting this way,” he said. Way to go Harm, get her more agitated, he thought to himself.

“You're the one who's acting like a jerk,” she barked.

“Me? I wasn't on a date with my ex,” he barked back just as the front door opened and Matthew came running inside.

“Are you guys still fighting?” he asked.

“It's just a small discussion, Buddy,” Harm reassured.

“You have a gift for understatement,” Mac said.

“When's lunch?” Matthew asked as he headed for the kitchen. “I'm hungry.”

“I'll fix you something honey,” Mac said just as Nathan walked into the room. “There was a delivery for you Mom.” He handed Mac the flowers and looked between his parent's. “I was thinking that Matthew and I stay the night at Uncle Bud and Aunt Harriet's place tonight.”

Mac hesitated. “I'll give them a call.”

“We talked to them at the skating park earlier and A.J wanted to show us his new game room in the garage,” Nathan said with a smile.

Harm nodded. “Sounds like fun. Let me call Bud to make sure that it's okay.”

While Mac arranged lunch Harm spoke to Bud. When he was sure that it was fine with the Robert's that the boys spent the night there he decided to go to the store and pick up what he needed to make a fabulous apology dinner for his wife. If there was one thing he knew it was that a good dinner always made his Marine more forgiving.

Later that night Harm was busy in the kitchen when Mac walked into the house after spending some time in the garden and noticed the wonderful aroma. She knew that Harm had brought out his cooking skills to make sure that she forgave him. Mac smiled as she walked to the kitchen, leaning towards the door frame she watched him work.

“What's this?” she questioned after a little while.

Harm turned to her with a sweet smile. “I thought I'd make you a fancy dinner to show you how sorry I am.”

“You know me too well,” Mac said teasingly as she walked fully into the room. “It's been a long time since you've managed to infuriate me like you did last night.”

“I realize that I might have overreacted to the situation,” Harm admitted.

“You think?” Mac questioned.

“Do you think you can find a way to forgive me?” Harm asked as he stepped closer to her.

“Explain to me first why you acted the way you did?” Mac requested.

“I guess I was jealous. And I don't like it when you go out with other men, specially when it's someone you've dated,” Harm admitted.

“You have dinner with Annie every time she's in town,” Mac reminded him.

Harm nodded. “That's true.”

Mac put her arms around him and hugged him. “I'll just go change into something nicer.”

As she turned to leave Harm asked; “So, do you forgive me?”

“We'll talk once I've eaten,” Mac said teasingly, a sexy gleam in her eyes.

Harm chuckled as he watched her leave. “God I love that woman,” he mumbled to himself.

A little while later Harm had set the table out on the porch, put on some nice music in the background and lit candles to set the right mood. Everything was ready for a romantic evening with the love of his life.

“Wow,” he said when he noticed Mac's presence.

Standing in the doorway, wearing a red knee length dress with a split up the thigh, her feet bare showing off her painted nails. “I figured that if you could make the effort to make me a romantic dinner I can make the effort to dress up for it,” she said sweetly.

Harm walked over to her, took her hand and led her to the table. He held the chair out for her. “Madame.”

Harm disappeared for a minute, then he came back with the first course. “For you my love.”

“You went all out,” Mac said as he sat down opposite her. “So, why did you freak out last night?”

Harm hesitated. “I guess I let what's going on between Keeter and Cathy get to me.”

“What's going on with them?” Mac asked.

“I don't know exactly, but Keeter called it the seven year itch,” Harm said with a shrug. “And I could sense that something was off between them.”

“Will they be okay?” Mac wondered.

“Keeter sounded unsure,” Harm said.

“That's a shame, they are such a great couple,” Mac reached for her husbands hand. “But it still doesn't explain why you hit the roof just because I had dinner with Webb.”

Harm smiled. “I know, and I'm sorry about that. You know me, I always freak out when other men show interest in you.”

Mac patted his hand and focused on her food again. “I missed you this week, Harm. I was really looking forward to seeing you last night.”

“I missed you too,” Harm said with a loving smile.

After dinner Harm turned up the music and took Mac's hand in his. “Let's dance, baby.”

Mac smiled as she rose and let him pull her into his arms. “I hate it when you call me that.”

Nuzzling her hair, breathing in her scent, he closed his eyes and felt all tension disappear from his body. “This is nice.”

“We should do it more often,” she whispered.

Harm leaned back to look at her. “I love you, Sarah.”

“I love you too, Harm,” Mac said with feeling. “So much.”

Harm leaned in and kissed her deeply. Mac kissed him back, then she released him and took his hand in hers. She led him to their bedroom, where they made sweet passionate love.

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[> He always puts his foot in his mouth. Glad she forgave him. More please. -- Beth, 18:46:22 09/03/14 Wed [1]

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[> Nice read Lace, love this series, always ready for another chapter! -- JoyZ, 09:59:52 09/04/14 Thu [1]

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[> Really enjoyed this! Your fics have made me a regular visitor to HBX. -- Longtime jag fan, 23:01:57 09/07/14 Sun [1]

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