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Date Posted: 16:59:00 07/25/05 Mon
Author: No name
Subject: Ms. Renee


URGENT PLEASE READ! -- No name, 19:34:36 07/25/05 Mon [1]
Hello Pageant Friends, Family, World:
It is with great dread that I write this letter to you all. I have battled with myself about how to go about resolving the problem and there is no easy way except to come out with it. I know I will be bashed for writing the letter but will also be bashed if I don't. So here goes...
I have 9 deposits in my hand for nationals, which takes place August 5-7, in Atlanta, Ga. My Earlybird Deadline was July 1st (only one earlybird entry). My last deadline (for no late charges was July 15th). I have been running all types of specials, i.e. photo contests, pageant prelims, guess ages of recording group VIB3, my daughter's 16th birthday; in which only 2 people participated in the guessing contest. The hotel called me today and told me I have until tomorrow to hold the block of sleeping rooms because people are calling needing the rooms and no one is booked in my block except me and the photographer! Not even the vendors who have been listed and advertised forever are booked in any of the rooms. I have to make a decision by tomorrow afternoon whether to try and hold this pageant or not. The thing is, one of the 9 who were already paid in called today and is not going to be able to come. There may be more to do this because it happens every time I have a pageant. I am terrified of showing up to a totally empty room and put on a pageant with no contestants or audience; only judges, mc, my staff, teh recording group and Richard from collage! lol! No seriously though, I hate to sound as if I am begging - this is not the case. I just have so many who were supposed to come, who have won fees off, etc. and can't count anyone until they send in their deposits. The other half of the crowns have to be paid for, the banners, the rest of the gifts (I have many already) judges travels, plaques, all the last minute things plus the fact that I am planning 2 parties for Saturday Night; one for the 0-5 and one for 6-up. Both are free and I need to know what to buy, make sure I have my dj, get the moon bounces, balls and jumping things for the little ones. So much behind the scene things still to tie up loose ends on. The only way I can honestly give this pageant is to have 40 contestants to break even. I have so much stuff to give and have fun with and then 17,000.00 in cash! Surely you all could understand that I must have a certain amount of contestants to hold this pageant. I have gone to pageants to where only 2 contestants showed up and cancelled when I had no contestants entered. I will say that every time I have had one I gave everything I said I would and put on the entire pageant as if there were 300 contestants there. I love the kids and we always play at my pageants. Oh well, enough about how great my pageant is...I am sure you are thinking (unless you have been to mine before) yeah, yeah they all say that. I DO NOT, REPEAT DO NOT, WANT TO CANCEL. The thing is if you really are wanting to come please contact me by tomorrow morning and get your deposits in (100.00) receive 100.00 off for my daughter's birthday! Also call the Ramada Inn, ask for Alexis before 5:00 tomorrow to get the room rate of 79.00 per night. they are 122.00 because of the citywide convention otherwise. You have to tell her ATBC. The whole city is booked solid! I have been so looking forward to putting this pageant on but I need you to make it happen! If by tomorrow at 5:00 I don't have all your deposits and commitments who were planning on coming I will have no choice but to cancel :( If that does occur I will immediately refund the existing deposits I now have. If you send one tomorrow and I still don't have enough response I will send it right back but don't let this pageant that is "ALL ABOUT THE CONTESTANTS" fail. I told myself that if this year's national did not make I would retire ATBC and only continue with The Toy Explosion Christmas National. Thanks so much for listening. Also thanks in advance for understanding and if you have quetions please call me at 901-634-0042 or email me at reneehorvath@att.net ! The website with printable paperwork is www.angelfire.com/ar3/atbc Love Mrs. Renee
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