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Date Posted: 08:24:20 03/01/15 Sun
Author: Abdul (JKAiUuUbwllzdDFANIn)

Other amount wellbutrin xl 300 mg weight loss A Muslim 32 year old acquaintance who works in IT, emphatically claims - according to Islam - that the Earth is only 10,000 years of age; that the bones of dinosaurs were man-made and buried in order to discredit his religion. Indoctrinated from an early age by this nonsense, he, and millions' like him, are a lost cause, and no amount of evidence will convince him and they otherwise. I mentioned that ancient peoples - such as the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians,Vikings etal, also believed in their gods as the truth, but that now, modern man laugh at such beliefs. That religion was created by politicians' [priests] to gain control over the gullible, and cerebrally challenged individuals in their societies. It's all about power, using fear and divine retribution to crush the spirit of individuality in humankind. So yes, Atheists are definately more intelligent than religious fanatics and their blind faith in the scriptures of ancient books.

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