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Date Posted: 03:00:02 02/10/06 Fri
Author: Anonymous

Below is the complete version of this week's Military Report.

Overseas Voting Instructions
U.S. servicemembers and federal employees stationed overseas need to act quickly to request absentee ballots for this year's primary and general elections. To participate in their home states' elections, servicemembers and overseas citizens need to complete a Federal Post Card Application requesting an absentee. The application needs to be completed and returned as quickly as possible, to give the local election office time to mail the ballot to the citizen and then time for the ballot to be returned before the state's deadline. The forms can also be accessed on the Federal Voting Assistance Program's Website at www.fvap.gov.
Deal of the Week: 10% Off at Proflowers
Romance, roses & savings, too! Valentine's dreams come true when you shop at Proflowers.com. Military.com members save an additional 10% by simply using Promotion Code Military at check out. Find this great discount and more at the Military.com Discount Center. http://img.military.com/misc/DC/DealIndex.jsp
Army Parents' Guide
A book for Army parents, "Your Soldier, Your Army: A Parents' Guide," not only informs parents about the Army, but it also includes acronyms and useful Websites. Supplemental articles feature tips and facts about the Army. The Guide is available in a .pdf file at http://www.ausa.org/pdfdocs/YourSoldier.pdf. For more information or to obtain a free copy of the book, call (800) 336-4570, Ext. 630.
New Benefits Guide Now Available
The Military Advantage: A Comprehensive Guide to Your Military & Veterans Benefits is an essential reference. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0743269462/ref=ase_militarycom/104-0209445-2736721?v=glance&n=283155&tagActionCode=militarycom
Featured Employer: We Protect America
Now Recruiting Border Patrol Agents. Help protect our nation from those who threaten it. Learn more now. http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/careers/customs_careers/border_careers/gowith_bp.xml
AMVETS Announces Veterans Scholarship
AMVETS has announced that the "Dr. Aurelio M. Caccomo Family Foundation Memorial Scholarship" has recently been established in memory of and honoring Dr. Caccomo, an immigrant to the United States and a physician who served in the U.S. Army Reserves. Two $3,000 scholarships will be awarded per year and for the duration of the grant. The scholarships are for veterans, including members of the National Guard and Reserves, who are seeking new skills in order to be more competitive in the job market. A link to the application from the AMVETS website at http://www.amvets.org/Assets/pdfs/Scholarship%20Application%20-%20Veteran.pdf. The first awards will be made in May, 2006. The deadline for filing an application is April 15, 2006.
High Unemployment Among Young Vets
During a recent U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs hearing it was announced that 20 to 24 year old veterans now have an unemployment rate of over 15 percent – nearly twice the rate of their non-veteran peers. The numbers of young unemployed veterans has grown dramatically since the start of military operations in Afghanistan. In response the Senate Committee has called for an urgent and improved effort to help veterans returning from the war on terror find work. Witnesses at the Senate hearing pointed to a wide variety of changes in government policies that might help. The Department of Labor plans to provide $162 million in federal grants to state agencies this year to help veterans find work.
National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans
From Feb. 12 through 18, the annual National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans will be observed at VA medical centers throughout the country. The week of February 14 each year is our opportunity to say thank you to a special group of men and women, the more than 98,000 veterans of the U.S. armed services who are cared for every day in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers, outpatient clinics, domiciliaries, and nursing homes. During the National Salute, VA invites individuals, veterans groups, military personnel, civic organizations, businesses, schools, local media, celebrities and sports stars to participate in a variety of activities at the VA medical centers. The activities and events include special ward visits and valentine distributions; photo opportunities; school essay contests; special recreation activities and veteran recognition programs. For more information, contact your nearest VA Medical Center and ask for Voluntary Service to discover the wonderful things you, your group or organization can do to salute America's Heroes. To find your nearest VA Medical Center, visit http://www1.va.gov/directory/guide/home.asp?isFlash=1.

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