char0710 (
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Date Posted: 09:26:56 06/16/21 Wed
In reply to:
's message, "GET YOURS DOCUMENTS FROM US" on 01:28:30 06/03/21 Thu
Save Time and Effort send real money It makes more sense than the "easy work" offered by Microsoft escrow scammers. With the fake ID vendors, you send real money and that is pretty much the end of the inquiry. It is not as though they are going to send you anything of real value. If they had good counterfeit money, they would use it themselves. And if they had other quality papers, they would gladly gain their benefit. So what you expect is that you send money and make believe you will receive some sort of make-believe stuff. Good luck with that! On the other hand, these Microsoft escrow scammers will need you to receive realistic payment, deposit it, and wire the bulk of the proceeds immediately. You can keep the rest for your fee, or use it as a down payment in restitution when the bank rejects the realistic payment. The important thing, whether you are buying realistic payments or make-believe goods, is that you send money to someone [] you never met. Your best information about them is that they are set up to receive money, and they seem to have expertise in misleading people and machines. Certainly, then, you should be ready to send money. It makes sense to deal with people who proclaim their dishonesty.
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