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Afterplay: the best part of sex
Alcohol: aphrodisiac or inhibitor of sex?
Are antidepressants keeping your sex life down?
Bisexuality: still in the closet
Can a dietary supplement enhance your sex life?
Can your heart handle sex?
Circumcision: cutting edge controversy in the 90s
Contraception: what are your options?
Cosmetic surgery for better sex: does it deliver?
Could you be allergic to sex?
Couples coping with a chronic sexually transmitted disease
Curing chlamydia: new screening test and one-dose drug
Dating clubs for the disabled
Debunking the myths about sexuality and developmentally disabled people
Decoding the secrets of body language
Disorders of desire
Don't let arthritis spoil your sex life
Erectile dysfunction: a concern for men with diabetes
Expand your contraceptive options: consider the IUD
Gay or straight: can you really "change"?
Getting a handle on herpes
Heavy breathing: asthma and your sex life
Hepatitis B -- the "hidden" STD
Hepatitis C: a deadly epidemic?
HIV home test kits: are all created equal?
HIV treatment: the challenges for older adults
How stress influences sex
How to detect - and treat - STDs
HPV: the potentially cancerous STD
Is sex good for you?
Just for men (and the partners who love them): penile implants
Just the right touch: sensual massage
Lacking libido? Are antidepressants to blame?
Let's talk about sex (and STDs)
Libido lulls
Love, sex and romance: is there hope after the baby?
Midlife sex: different from the way we were
Misusing sex as punishment or reward
Moving beyond masturbation: Joycelyn Elders, M.D.
Myths and truths about the menstrual cycle
Natural remedies for herpes
New HPV test sheds light on abnormal Pap results
New Ways to Prevent and Treat AIDS
No barriers to pleasure: 5 holiday tips for sensational, safer sex
Passion foods - old and new
Pregnancy, parenting and HIV
Prescription drugs and sex--not always a good mix
Reclaiming self-esteem after an STD diagnosis
Reclaiming sexuality after gynecologic cancer
Rekindling your romance
Run for your (sex) life!
Sensual vacations: putting the spark back into your sex life
Sex addiction
Sex after 60: it's alive and well!
Sex after a hysterectomy: never better
Sex after menopause
Sex and disabilities not mutually exclusive
Sex and the soul: an interview with Gina Ogden, Ph.D.
Sex before sports: can it help you score?
Sex for sale: could it be safer?
Sex Rx: beta-blockers and your sex life
Sex Rx: Bupropion and your sex life
Sex Rx: Paxil and your sex life
Sex Rx: Paxil and your sex life
Sex Rx: Thiazide diuretics and your sex life
Sex Rx: Tricyclic antidepressants and your sex life
Sex surrogates: an alternative type of therapy
Sex therapy: is it for you?
Sex-related amnesia
SexRx: benzodiazepines and your sex life
SexRx: Calcium channel blockers and your sex life
SexRx: Cimetidine and your sex life
SexRx: Clonidine and your sex life
SexRx: Luvox and your sex life
SexRx: Monoamine oxidase inhibitors and your sex life
SexRx: Nicotine and your sex life
SexRx: Prozac and your sex life
SexRx: yohimbine and your sex life
SexRx: Zoloft and Your Sex Life
Sexual headaches: from ecstasy to agony
Sexual healing after sexual abuse
Sexual lubricants
Shattering the myth of the perfect body
Sole searching through cybersex
Straight shooting: overcoming premature ejaculation
Talking sex with Bob Berkowitz
The changing sexual mores in America
The harassment-free guide to flirting and dating
The latest advances in HIV/AIDS detection, treatment, and prevention
The long and short of condoms
The nose knows: the sexual power of pheromones
The power of sex: an interview with Nancy Friday
The truth about orgasms
The world of sexual behavior
There is sex after breast cancer
Too much sex: is there such a thing?
Too stressed for sex?
Transsexualism: mistaken sexual identity, and the sex change solution
Treating sexual problems
What determines gender identity?
When a woman loses desire
When love hurts: causes and cures for painful sex
When lust is lost: female sexual arousal disorder
When single parents have "overnight guests"
Who's having sex in America?
Women using Norplant need back-up contraception