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A clearer look at chelation therapy
A colorful alternative for lung protection
A colorful alternative for lung protection
Activated charcoal for poisoning: an idea comes home
Acupressure for the emotions
Acupuncture goes mainstream
Aloe and the treatment of burns
Alternative approaches to treating schizophrenia
Alternative healing methods for Bell's palsy and trigeminal neuralgia
Alternative medications to lower cholesterol
Alternative medicines for treating stomach ulcers
Alternative methods for estrogen replacement
Alternative methods for treating H. pylori
Alternative remedies for ear infections
Alternative remedies for eczema
Alternative therapies for chronic fatigue syndrome
Alternative therapies for chronic headaches
Alternative treatments for asthma and allergies
Alternative treatments for Crohn's disease
Alternative treatments for gout
Alternative treatments for Graves' eye disorder
Alternative treatments for hypertension
Alternative treatments for prostate cancer
Alternative treatments for psoriasis
Alternative treatments for Stage 1 sarcoidosis
Alternative vs. traditional medicine: similarities, differences and how to bridge the gap
Alternative ways for treating genital herpes
Alternative ways to treat connective tissue disorders
Alternatives to estrogen therapy
Alternatives to Paxil
Alternatives to the pill or a hysterectomy
Anxiety about flying
Aromatherapy oils and pregnancy
Art therapy: how creative expression can heal
Arthritis and dietary habits
Battling the bugs and the bees, naturally
Bilberry to help night blindness
Biofeedback is back
Birthing and relaxation: not mutually exclusive
Bodywork: what you don't know could hurt!
Breast-enhancing supplements
Butterbur works as well as antihistamine for seasonal allergies
Can dark chocolate and cocoa be healthful?
Can plants clean the air in your home?
Can you trust the label on a sports supplement?
Can zinc win the cold war?
Chemical interactions between beta-blockers
Chinese medicine: a healing tradition
Chiropractic: new respect for an ancient treatment
Chocolate and the heart
Choosing an alternative health healer
Chronic ear infections and how to treat them
Chronic prostatitis
Colloidal minerals in the treatment of testicular cancer
Comparing SSRI's and 5-HTP
Complementary therapies for the common cold
Could green tea be your skin's new best friend?
Craniosacral therapy
Craniosacral therapy: a gentle, hands-on technique
Craving licorice
Creating positive energy in your home
Cures from the kitchen
Dancing with air: tai chi and qi gong
Dancing with dolphins
Diabetes: new findings from alternative medicine
Dietary supplements for osteoarthritis
Do-it-yourself pain relief
Echinacea: nature's cold fighter
Energy medicine: a clash of two world views
Ephedra: a dangerous supplement?
Evening primrose and inflammation of the joints
Eye health: preventing macular degeneration with lifestyle changes
Feng shui for health and energy
Finding a doctor who practices integrative medicine
Food and your skin: can certain foods stave off wrinkles?
Foods that can decrease the pain of rheumatoid arthritis
Forecasting illness: the weather-health connection
Ginger: a root of ancient medicine
Ginkgo biloba--brain power in a bottle?
Grapefruit pectin and clogged arteries
Harmony and healing: the practices of curanderismo
Headache pain: the problem may not be in your head
Healing from the inside out: understanding holistic medicine
Health benefits of meditation
Hepatitis C and herbal supplements
Herbal alternatives for hepatitis C
Herbal and alternative remedies for treating infertility
Herbal supplements and antidepressants
Herbal supplements: they may be ‘natural' but are they safe?
Herbal weight loss pills containing ma huang
Herbs and drugs to avoid while taking Luvox
Herbs to alleviate stomach discomfort
Holistic dentistry has patients smiling
Homeopathy: what's it all about?
Homocysteine and heart disease
Honey: does it heal?
How to take vitamins
How to talk to your doctor about complementary and alternative medicine
How to talk to your doctor about complementary and alternative medicine (part II)
In his own words: living with lower back pain
Indian medicine: holistic healing through Ayurveda
Information about phytoestrogens
Information about soy
Information on milk thistle
Irritable bowel syndrome: strategies for managing a complex condition
Kava: nature's relaxant
Laetrile: is it really the pits?
Malic acid for treating CFS
Managing chronic low back pain
Managing HIV: an integrative perspective
Managing infertility: combining alternative and conventional therapies for a successful pregnancy
Massage away back pain
Massage therapy: the power of touch
Medication on an empty stomach
Medicinal uses of bee venom
Melatonin: nature's sleeping pill?
Menopause: alternatives to hormone replacement therapy
Minimizing PMS symptoms
Moving meditation: the art of tai chi
Multiple chemical sensitivity: a controversial condition
Multiple sclerosis: complementary methods of managing the disease
Multivitamin supplements
Music soothes the savage surgical beast
NADH for managing fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome
Natural methods for treating high blood pressure
Natural remedies for migraine headaches
Natural remedies for PMS
Natural remedies for relieving gas
Natural sleep aids
Natural sunburn remedies
Natural tips for better sleep
Natural treatments for the symptoms of menopause
Nia: moving with purpose
No more sleepless nights: dealing with insomnia
Non-prescription methods for treating heartburn
Omega-3 fatty acids
Ovarian cancer: one woman's story
Pain free with prolotherapy?
Pantothenic acid and sinus congestion
Passionate plants: can herbs turn you on?
Pet therapy
Pinning down the effectiveness of acupuncture
Preventing sunburn
Problems with concentration
Pediatricians who refuse to see non-immunized patients
Q: I have osteoporosis and have tried medication, but I had to stop taking it because it made me ill. Is there an herb that I can take?
Q: Is kava good to take for anxiety?
Qi gong and diabetes
Quitting smoking when you're pregnant
Red clover to treat cancer
Reflexology: Feet of magic
Reiki: energy medicine
Running as exercise when you're overweight
Saw palmetto: alternative treatment for enlarged prostates
Say no to cold medicine!
Shopping for dietary supplements: how to purchase the best products
Shopping for dietary supplements: understanding safety concerns
Shrinking uterine fibroids alternatively
Simple Pantry Solutions: Cayenne
Simple Pantry Solutions: Garlic
Simple Pantry Solutions: Ginger
Simple Pantry Solutions: Peppermint
Simple secrets for naturally healthy skin
Simply scentsational: the art of aromatherapy
Soothing an upset stomach...naturally
Soy and kidney stones: a possible link?
Spirituality and healing
Spring cleaning for your body
St. John's Wort: nature's antidepressant?
Stick it in your ear: auriculotherapy
Stress: your body under attack
Supplements to relieve cold sores
Surgical options for hemorrhoids
Taking an active role toward a lower cholesterol
Taking aspirin and vitamin E together to prevent heart attacks and strokes
Taking folic acid to help hair growth
Taking garlic to lower cholesterol
Taking ginger for a headache
Taking glucosamine sulfate to rebuild cartilage
Taking herbs before surgery: a prescription for disaster?
Taking kava to manage anxiety
Taking SAMe to treat Parkinson's
Taking saw palmetto for an enlarged prostate
Taking vitamins while taking hormone replacement pills
Tea tree oil and dry skin
Telemedicine: the next medical frontier
Ten little needles: treating drug addiction with acupuncture
The craving to chew ice
The effects of oregano
The effects of Qi Gong and coronary artery bypass patients
The effects of stress on a teenager's health
The health benefits of touch
The health properties of cranberries
The natural healing essence of Bach Flower remedies
The placebo effect
The pull of magnet therapy
The pull of magnet therapy for pain relief
The summertime blues may appear in shades of red
The use of echinacea in preventing and treating colds
The use of prayer and modern medicine
Therapies to help with neuropathy
Thyroid disorders: alternative therapies and traditional treatments
Tissue engineering: a new frontier in medicine
Treating psoriasis in cold weather
Ulcerative colitis: merging traditional and alternative therapies
Understanding and managing the stress response
Using aloe vera to treat diabetes
Using ginseng to manage diabetes
Using mind/body medicine to treat infertility
Using tai chi to help ease arthritic pain
Visualization: the power of the mind's eye
Vitamin C therapy for lung cancer
Vitamin E and heart disease
Weight loss: what are your options?
What can an osteopathic doctor do for you?
What does it take to cure an illness?
What is H2O2 therapy?
What to avoid if you are taking a hydrochlorothiazide diuretic
Wheatgrass: grazing for good health
When medicine and herbs don't mix
Yoga: finding the right type and the right teacher