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Date Posted: 09:40:00 07/14/09 Tue
Author: Jenni B.
Subject: Upcoming Pageants

Louisiana Angels Benefit Pageant


Josh Luke Jones has become a special little boy to all that know him and to many that have met him and heard his story. At the tender age of 4 1/2 he lost his Mother (she was just 25 years old at the time of her death). He lived with his Aunt Vickey & Uncle Luke DiMattia following the loss of his mother until his Grandmother Peggy Jones (Ms. Vickey’s Sister) was granted full custody of him. In Feburary of 2009 Josh was dealt another tragedy. His Aunt Vickey noticed his eye didn’t look right & she spoke to her sister about it and they followed up with a visit to the eye Doctor. The Doctor immediately sent him to a specialist. The specialist sent him to Children's Hospital and within 12 hours of being admitted they did emergency Brain surgery to remove a tumor. Unfortunately it was cancerous & The tumor was the size of a hard boiled egg. During Surgery Joshua had to have an incision from the top of his head to the bottom of his neck. He lost most of his vision due to where the tumor was. The cancer is called Medulla Blastoma, It is a very fast type of cancer. He has been through radiation already and now battling the dreadful Chemo. He will have Chemo every 3 1/2 weeks. They are giving him the strongest that they can give a 7 year old. Joshua is a trooper and even on his sickest days, if you ask him how he’s doing today he answers "I am doing fine". This benefit is to help Joshua and his Grandmother Peggy Jones of Livingston La. The cost that they have incurred is enormous. ANY and ALL help is very much appreciated!!!

This fun raiser will be:
A Pageant, Jambalaya Dinner Sale, & Raffle

Please visit Joshua's website...
There you can see pictures of Joshua as well as the crowns that will be given at the pageant. There is also a list of items that is needed if you'd like to donate. And while you're there don't forget to sign the guest book!!!

For Mor Information Please Email:


*** Next 2 To Pay In Full...ONLY $250!!! ***





All You Need is Beauty & Christmas Wear!!!

0-11 mo., 12-23 mo., 2 yrs, 3 yrs, 4 yrs, 5 yrs, 6 yrs, 7 yrs, 8 yrs,
9 yrs, 10 yrs, 11-12 yrs, 13-15 yrs, 16-up, mom/married

2 Ultimate Supreme 0-8, 9-up Laptop & $1000 Cash
Entry Must be PAID IN FULL by Sept. 1st, 2009 to be eligible for Ultimate

4 Grand Supremes 0-3, 4-8, 9-12, 13-up $1000 Cash
4 Mini Supremes 0-3, 4-8, 9-12, 13-up $500 Cash
4 Beauty Supreme 0-3, 4-8, 9-12, 13-up $150 Cash
4 Personality Supreme 0-3, 4-8, 9-12, 13-up $150 Cash
15 Divisional Supremes $100 Cash
15 Divisional Beauty Queens $100 Cash



Lou Melancon ~ pagents2003@yahoo.com

Janie Carriere ~ crownus1@bellsouth.net

Amy Meche ~ Amy.Meche@shawgrp.com


Bugs Beautiful Bronze ~ JodyGrenfell@yahoo.com


Lisa Raborn ~ lisa@modelingbylisa.com

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