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Subject: Update on sidebets....

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Date Posted: 18:32:42 01/13/08 Sun
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In reply to: Juan 's message, "Re: Heatley out 6 weeks" on 18:14:48 01/13/08 Sun

Since i'm in every sidebet i decided to check out how well i'm doing right now... frick i'm gonna clean up for sure....
if the season ended today these would be the results...

Bet 1. Gomez vs. Canada & Polish guy

I'm losing against Crosby and Heatley but working Wojtek... -$5

Bet 2. Malkin vs kovalchuk

Worst bet ever Fleming +$10

Bet 3. 2 vs 2 bet

Kovalchuk and Savard are beating everybody... Callum is the closest with Heatley and Zetty but since that poon Heatley is out for 6 weeks my boys should open up a nice gap in that shit pretty nicely... +$15 so far

Bet 4. Canucks vs. Flames

My boys are down by one point as of tonight... this should change by the end of the season so i'm not too worried about it... -$10

Bet 5. Gomez vs. The world

Gomez is working Corey Perry... Gomez should be the MVP of the league... he is gonna make me some mad bling! +$10

Bet 6. Stastny vs. Kovalchuk

Kovalchuk should be the runner up to MVP as he is the second best player in the league right now... Fleming I don't know what the fuck you were talking about when you made this bet... you're retarded... +$10

Bet 7. Bottom 2 forwards vs. 2 D-men

I dunno what Derek was thinking when this bet was made but this one's been sealed for a while.... +$5...

Counting all these bets plus the $10 that Fleming and Callum still owe me for that huge Flames win New Year's eve my winning total so far if the season ended today would be... $55!!!!! And that's couting the Flames not winning the division which is basically a crime... let's make some more sidebets fools!!!!!!!

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Re: Update on sidebets....Scott F22:23:41 01/13/08 Sun

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