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Subject: Sidebet Results

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Date Posted: 15:02:10 04/06/08 Sun
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Here are the results from this years sidebets:

Scott Gomez vs. Canada & A Polish Guy Bet

Regular points on the line, $5 with odds, results are

Gomez - 70 Pts
Heatley - 82 Pts
Crosby - 72 Pts
Wolski - 48 Pts

Juan owes Callum and Scott $5. Chris L. owes Juan $5, as the odds do not come into play at all in this bet.

Pool Points - Malkin vs. Kovalchuk

$10 on the line in this one, straight up pool points

Malkin - 153 Pool Pts
Kovalchuk - 139 Pool Pts

Juan owes Fleming $10

2 vs. 2 Bet

$5 on the line, any two players from a starting roster, most pool points wins

Savard/Kovalchuk - 232 Pool Pts
Gaborik/Stastny - 220 Pool Pts
Malkin/Spezza - 279 Pool Pts

Derek owes Juan $5, Juan owes Fleming $5

Canucks vs. Flames

$10 on the line, whoever finishes higher in the standings.
Fleming owes Juan $10

Gomez vs. The World

$10 on the line, regular points.

Gomez - 70 Pts
Perry - 54 Pts

Fleming owes Juan $10

Stastny vs. Kovalchuk

$10 on the line, pool points determines winner

Kovalchuk - 139
Stastny - 95

Fleming owes Juan $10

Bottom 2 vs. D-Man bet

This one was so stupid, $10 on the line, pool points.

Derek's combined D - 66 Pool Pts
Scott Gomez got 70 REAL Pts in the season, so I didn't even bother adding it all up.

Derek owes Juan $5

In total now

Juan owes Callum $5
Juan owes Scott $5
Fleming owes Juan $15
Chris L. owes Juan $5
Derek owes Juan $10
Juan owes the hockey pool $10
Total Juan winnings from the hockey pool $0

This brings the Juan +/- counter to $10 in Juans favor. Well done Juan, you turned a profit, at least until 2010. I'll get you down to negatives in the playoffs though.

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Re: Sidebet Resultscallum16:59:28 04/06/08 Sun

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