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Date Posted: Friday, February 06, 06:15:12am
Author: Chani
Author Host/IP: 81-65-188-108.rev.numericable.fr /
Subject: Re: Thought on the Little Prince?
In reply to: Gabs 's message, "Thought on the Little Prince?" on Thursday, February 05, 11:50:35am

There are things I enjoyed the Sawyer's scenes, Locke and Jin being alive of course but some stuff was really phoned like Claire's mother not being the client, or young Rousseau among her supposedly French team (the actors sound Canadian, sometimes I couldn't get what they were saying). I don't like twists that you can see coming from miles away.

Jack and Kate keep on being boring and slightly annoying to me.

JH did a great job in the scenes he saw past!Kate.

Something was odd. Miles was the one who hinted that Charlotte might have been on the island before and have looked for it...and now he seems oblious and it's Daniel who has to provide hints.

I'd rather have Sun, instead of Ben, as the mastermind behind the legal stuff against about Aaron. It would have been refreshing. Now Sun just looks like a fool with a gun, especially since we know that Jin is alive.

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