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Date Posted: 05:57:55 06/01/03 Sun
Subject: Declaration of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - VMRO-MNM!

So the "Albanians" demonstrations and protests are not about obtaining Human Rights but about provoking and frightening the Macedonian Nation. This has been going on for a very long time and the Macedonian people in the Western World feel provoked and threatened.

Several Macedonians have written to the anti-Macedonian Government to acquire an end to this. They have asked the government to urge the governments of the Western World to end and forbid such demonstrations.

But the anti-Macedonian Government is not on the side of the Macedonian people. It is a Mafia organization, consisting of terrorists, bandits, agents and spies. They who sit in the "government" and "parliament and also in political organizations are corrupt and sell themselves for western currency. Of course there are honourable Macedonian politicians but they have no power. They are tortured, imprisoned, murdered or forced to leave their native country.

It is therefore impossible that such a Government would demand that the Western World should stop and forbid these provocations that the "Albanian" balists carry out, organized by the Western World's Mafia organizations.

The groups that demonstrates are terrorists and bandits. Therefore I do not believe that the west will stop such demonstrations.

I, as president of the Organization VMRO-MNM have promised the Macedonian people that I will demand from all countries where there is "Albanian" balists, terrorists and Mafia that they immediately stop these demonstrations.

This declaration will be sent out to all the countries in the world and with this I demand that these provocative demonstrations, carried out by "Albanian" balists, immediately are stopped.
The Human Rights Organizations and Institutes in the world.
All those organizations that are called Human Rights Organizations have been created by the Western World, for the criminal bureaucrats and bandits, for the Rich that want more and are never satisfied.

The most dangerous of these are the UN, EU, NATO, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Helsinki Committee, UNICEF, USSC and the Red Cross. They are like Mafia Organizations, there to make money and to provoke outside the borders of the Western World. Bandits who sell weapons and create disturbances and war, who murder people.

My demand from these organizations is that they stop their blackmail, threats and murders on people around the world. People, who are truly intelligent, who will do good for the people in the world, whose first and only concern is not about money and who do not want to have anything to do with the corruption of the Western World.

The rich Capitalists of the Western World, with their money, behave as the "leaders" of the world. They believe they can do what they desire, bribe people or pay assassins to harass and terrorize good, honest people, people who want to work as good politicians, as good leaders in their own countries. But they are not given any chance by the bureaucrats and the Rich of the Western World who threaten their families or, eventually, murder them.

The politicians of the Western World criticise other countries outside the borders of the west about there being many corrupt politicians and so on. The truth is, that the corruption in the Western World is a gigantic Industry. The rich west bureaucrats and bandits ought to give the poor people the opportunity to prosper. Instead they take advantage of them, build hazardous fabrics in their countries and use their children as slave workers. These poor families, whose clever and intelligent children could do a lot of good in the world, are denied the right to adequate education.

Little girls and boys are kidnapped and brought to the brothels of the Western World. These little children are abused by paedophiles. Who are they? They are the ones sitting in Brussels, Strasbourg, the EU bureaucrats, the NATO barbarians. It is they who organize such organizations paid by the EU parliament. Stop the kidnappings executed by your Mafia organizations

Such bandits, who drains the blood out of children, are vampires. Large Western World companies, for example McDonalds and many other companies, ought to be ashamed using little children to make a profit. But they can not be ashamed since they have no feelings, they are murderers, vampires. And regarding the large medical companies. Inferior medicine are sent to poor countries while medicine of good quality are sent to the rich bureaucrats. Poor people can not pay for expensive medicine, only for the cheap, inferior ones, but such medicine is ineffective.This destructive system must change. This is murder!

There are innumerable of funds in the world that are supposed to look to the best for man kind. But the only obligation they seam to have is to make the rich richer so they can continue with their lives in luxury. For example the children's cancer fund and the lung fund receive large contributions from the public but only 2% of it is used to help the sick

Who is it then, who contributes to these funds? Well, ordinary people, adults but also children who ask their parents for money to certain collections that are being done in the schools.The only thing they are being, is cheated while the rich "democratic" bandits and politicians with their high salaries do not give away a single penny.

Speaking of crime and fraud I want to mention the human rights organization Amnesty International. Last year it came out that their criminal chairman in Stockholm had made a fortune on various funds. This man, Jesus Alcalá, lives in a luxurious house and drives around in a car worth around 100 000 DM. And his son has nothing to complain of.

Such criminal people and "human rights organizations" who are guilty of the death of millions of people, are not to be trusted, they are to be removed.They are not to be respected by the society of the world. This is not what the people should trust and invest in.
The neighbouring occupants of Macedonian territory:The Athenians – the Asian race that since 1830 is named "Greeks", (under Aleksandar Makedonski the Great’s empire Athens was known as the Asian province) occupying the Aegean part of Macedonia.The former Turkish gypsies that today are known as Bulgarians, occupying the Pirin part of Macedonia
The balisti, "Albanians" from Caucasus, occupying the Western part of Macedonia, Mala Prespa.
The Serbian vrhovisti, occupying a part of Northern Macedonia.
They are given by the Macedonian National organization VMRO-MNM a last chance to return Macedonian occupied territory.
The Vatican, the Egyptian government and Turkey has received demands from the Macedonian organization VMRO-MNM to return everything that once was stolen from the Macedonian people and the country of Macedonia.The Western World must accept the truth about the Macedonian history and the Macedonian nation. It is time for all museums, galleries, historical institutes’ etc., to return everything that has been stolen from us and to let the truth be revealed. The stolen Macedonian paintings, archaeological findings, statues of great Macedonian men and women, the stolen names of our kings and ancestors, our goods, the Macedonian classical antiquity and the truth about Macedonian literature, history, philosophy, poetry etc. This must be returned to the Macedonian people and the country of Macedonia. What belongs to us must be returned to us, immediately.The organization VMRO-MNM is again asking the students of the world to stop reading false history, literature and poetry and instead accept the truth. Do not let so called professors, historians, scientists and politicians, writers and journalists plunder the Macedonian people and the country of Macedonia and give it to the Athenians and the Bulgarians.
Message for the Macedonian Nation

I urge all Macedonians, wherever they live in the world, to boycott the trade of goods from Athens (Made in "Greece"), from the Asian Tatari (Made in "Bulgaria"), the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Slovenia (Made in "Slovenia") and the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Croatia (Made in "Croatia").

The boycott against Athens and the Asian Tatari do not need any presentation since their conducts are widely known. But regarding the other two, FYROS and FYROC, these states buys goods from Macedonia, from the Macedonian bandits, the Mafia, and then put their own labels on these goods. This is something we cannot accept, this is criminal!

Neither wine, as Vranac for example (a Macedonian wine that has been produced for thousands of years), nor preserved vegetables, as for example ajvar, pindjur, strong pepper (feferoni), mixed salad, are manufactured in Slovenia but is brought directly from Macedonia. The only thing the Slovenians do is to put their own labels on the cans. The Croats uses the same pranks on for example red paprika from Macedonia.

The Macedonian Nation must also boycott all diplomatic relations with FYROC since their Government co-operates with the Asian tatari's Government in Sofija in order to forge Macedonian history. Both Governments have made a deal about building a big statue in the town of Gjakovo in FYROC, representing two Macedonian patriots who fought for the Macedonian culture, two brothers, Dimitar and Konstantin Miladinovci. The Zagreb and the Sofija Government tries to take this legends from the Macedonian people and turn them into "Bulgarians". This is both humiliating and criminal by these Governments to continue to forge the history of other nationalities. The Macedonian nation do not accept this.

The family of Dimitar and Konstantin Miladinovci have protested and they have tried to stop these Governments attempts. The Macedonian Revolutionary Organization VMRO-MNM support their claims and we demand from the Zagreb Government that they stop meddling in other people's history and that they keep their hands from the Macedonian nation and the Macedonian history. This declaration will be sent to the Zagreb Government and with it the Macedonian organization demand a written answer that the claims from the family of Dimitrija and Konstantin Miladonovci and VMRO-MNM will be accepted.

FYROS and FYROC, who have acknowledged Macedonia under its true, accurate name, still uses the name FYROM in international connections, as for example the Eurovision Song Contest. The Macedonian nation do not concede to this

Catastrophically events continues in Macedonia. In the western parts of Macedonia the Macedonian children do not longer dare to go to school because of the "Albanian" terrorists. The terror leaders from the Serbian province of Kosovo-Metohija, Arben Dzaferi and Hashim Thaci (Tachi) have organized and armed "Albanian" youths. Many Macedonian children have been severely maltreated. This has made the Macedonian children afraid of going to school in their own country. Other children have been kidnapped and brought out of the country to the brothels of the Western World and to the luxury hotels and clubs of paedophiles. We do not accept these deeds.

And the "Albanian" terrorist leader Arben Dzaferi who is a member in the anti Macedonian Government in Skopje and terrorist leader no 2, Hashim Thaci (Tachi), in the Serbian province of Kosovo-Metohija, have organized a new terror organization together with Nato, in our country Macedonia. On Jan 22, 2000, they performed a terror attack on a police station in the village of Tearce in the Macedonian region of Tetovo. One policeman was murdered and three others were severely injured. We can not accept this. These terrorists, both "Albanians" and Nato must leave our country immediately. The Macedonian people in Macedonia must boycott "Albanian" stores and both adults as children must stop speaking to "Albanians", at work, in the streets, in the schools etc.

A boycott against the country "Albania" where the "Albanian" balists from Caucasus resides is however not necessary since there are no goods "Made in Albania". These unintelligent people have neither industries nor any products. They have terror organizations and Mafia bandits and their trade is in drugs from different countries and Mafia groups and in the Western World's weapons and drugs. They do not know anything else but crime, to murder and rape and provoke war.An Appeal from the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM

The Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM appeal for help and support, for acknowledgement of our country and for our independence. We thank the countries that have acknowledged Macedonia under its true, historical name and wait for remaining countries to follow their example as soon as possible.

We ask for support in the struggle against inequitable organizations and institutions for human rights. And by protesting, make these acknowledge Macedonia under its true, historical name and that the name FYROM vanishes for ever.

The Macedonian people are living, in all of the occupied territories, a terrible life in poverty with violations, torture and imprisonment. The Macedonian people have no human rights what so ever. Some months ago VMRO-MNM received a tape from a Macedonian group in Germany. The tape showed people, living in extreme poverty in the Aegean part of Macedonia, occupied by the Athenians.

Old people were interviewed and what they told us on the tape was unforgettable. They appealed to Macedonian patriots to save them from the penury they are living in because of the Athenian fascistic occupants. This tape reveals many villages that have been forgotten by the rest of the world. Water and electricity is missing, the houses are old, worn down and not fit to be inhabited. Nor is 80-90 year old people allowed to speak Macedonian but are forced to learn Athenian. Why these old people are alone in these forgotten villages without any children is because of their children being forced to leave the Aegean part of Macedonia by the Athenian fascists. These old people have never seen their children again and they have never meet their grand children since they are not let in to the Aegean part of Macedonia by the occupants

Genocide has been performed in the Aegean part of Macedonia by the Athenian occupants. The most known are the one after 1913 and during the Second World War and after. This tape is proof of what the Macedonian people, in the year 2001, are experiencing in their own country. One can wonder how a country, the so called "Greece" can be a member of the EU, a "democratic" organization. The bureaucratic bandits in Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg should be ashamed.

If this tape was to be copied and sent to the press and the media of the world we can guarantee that no one would show it. The Western World would stop it so the truth about the Macedonian people will not come out. But the future will show the truth about the Macedonian nation.

This appeal will be sent by e-mail to all the governments of the world. We ask you to answer as soon as possible, by registered letter, sign by the country's head of State, on the address:

Web Site: http://www.vmro-mnm.com
Contact: macedonia_for_the_macedonians@vmro-mnm.com, info@vmro-mnm.com, trepet@vmro-mnm.com, vmro-mnm@vmro-mnm.com

We thank the countries that have supported us since before and they who in the future will support us.

United Macedonia

United Macedonians

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet
President of the Macedonian Organization VMRO-MNM

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