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Date Posted: 13:04:47 05/04/09 Mon
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Talent Clubhouse

Talent Clubhouse is a community of kids and teens pursuing professional careers in the Performing Arts and Entertainment. This event is a fundraiser for upcoming media projects for the kids in TV, Magazine, and Radio. Young rising stars ages 2-19 are welcome to participate in modeling, music, dance, acting, comedy and poetry. There is no fee to participate but a donation is required to compete for a chance to win the prizes below. Performers audition. Judges pick finalists. Kids and teens vote for the winner online!

Auditions are videotaped for broadcast on cable television around Metro Atlanta, and may be viewed by up to a million viewers. It's a fun exciting time, an amazing opportunity to build performance experience and to gain industry exposure for those looking to get discovered. To learn more, visit www.TalentClubhouse.com.


The winner will be featured on the Talent TV for Kids pilot show, featured on the home page of the Talent Clubhouse website, featured on the cover of Talent Magazine for Kids, and interviewed on Talent Radio for Kids. Winners receive an Award of Performance Excellence, DVD Video of their performance, photos, a gift certificate or cash prize.

All contestants receive an Award of Participation, recognition on our site and magazine article.


Sing, Dance, Act, Rap, Model Fashions. Play Musical Instrument. Perform Poetry or Comedy.


Age: 2-19. Male or female. All genres. Must be able to perform on cue and follow direction.


NON-MEMBERS: Register online to audition in-person on the date mentioned. Can't attend the audition in-person? See the contest entry information for members below. Sign up at TalentClubhouse.com.

MEMBERS: Have a choice to perform at the audition or enter the contest via video submission online. Either way, click here to register for the contest. Then, decide whether to perform in person or online. To perform in person: Simply attend the event date mentioned. To enter the contest online: Skip the audition date and make sure you have uploaded videos, photos, and/or audio/music.


Click here for important and detailed audition information.


At the end of the audition period, contest judges will review all audition performances and select the finalists. Video performances of all finalists will be loaded online where the public votes for the winner.


We are a non-profit support organization for kids and teens pursuing careers in the Arts. This event is a fundraiser, so we ask for a small donation from participants.

To learn more about membership, click here. to visit our website. To become a member for only $10, click here. If you have any questions, call (888) 600-6096 or email: events@talentclubhouse.com


Helpful Information for Performers


Arrival Times - 2:00 Children 2-12; 3:30 Teens 13-19

BE EARLY. Late arrivals may forfeit audition. BE PATIENT. You will have to wait.

Check-in upon arrival. Submit any materials you want us to keep, i.e. photos, comp card, resume, etc. If you bring music, hold onto it until you are called to audition.

You will be given a badge and have your pictured taken. You will then record a personal intro on video: "My name is... I am __ years old and my talent is ___". If you have more than one talent, change "my talent is" to "my talents are". Practice and have this memorized. Afterward, you will take a seat and wait to be called. Once you are called, be ready to complete your audition performance in one take. At the end of your performance, you will be handed information for the next step. At that time, you are free to leave or stay to watch remaining performances. There will be audience present.

Your audition will be videotaped. All videos, including those submitted online will be reviewed by our talent selection team, who will choose the contest finalists within two weeks after the last in-person audition date. To stay informed, visit the Talent Clubhouse website often and check email for updates.

On a date to be announced, the finalists will be posted online at www.TalentClubhouse.com. Then, the voting begins. The finalists with the most votes will be selected winner and presented with their prizes.


Models: Practice ahead of time and be totally prepared with a variety of poses, for a 2-3 minute photo shoot. Ok to dress in layers to offer different looks. Ok to bring hat, glasses, shades, jewelry, and make one hairstyle change.
Singers/Rappers: A capella with no background music, or A popular song with background music (bring CD). Original music encouraged, but not required.
Dancers: Prepare three (3) minute dance routine.
Musicians: Bring instrument(s). Prepare 1-3 min. routine. Solos, duos, or groups.
Actors: Prepare a 1-minute monologue (individuals) or a 3-minute skit (groups).
Comedians: Study comedy. Prepare a three (3) minute routine, that is funny to those you practice in front of at home.
Poets/Writers/Storytellers: Prepare an original written work, that you will recite. Background music OK. 1-3 minutes.


If music is required for your performance, bring music on a stereo CD (NOT BURNED ON A COMPUTER BECAUSE BURNED CDs MAY NOT PLAY PROPERLY). Original music is always preferred when possible. Bring any props needed, wardrobe, make up, equipment, partners, etc. If available, bring copies of photos, portfolio, comp card, video on CD, bio/resume, and/or references.

Dress to Impress: Age-appropriately. Bright colors look best on camera. Avoid all white or all black clothes, as they blend too closely into the photography/video backgrounds.

Language/Content: We produce family-friendly entertainment, so please no vulgarity, adult language, lewd behavior or suggestive material at all. Any performance found to exhibit this prohibited content, will be immediately interrupted and disqualified. Choose your material wisely, and be certain it can be enjoyed by audiences of all ages.

Tips: Sign up to perform in advance. On the day of the show, arrive on time although you may have a wait, so be patient. If you are late, you may lose your spot to perform. Once called to the stage, be prepared to perform at your best.

If you have any questions, email: contest@talentclubhouse.com. Thank you.

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