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Subject: Hart has arrived (Sorry so short...I'll do better next time)

Bret Hart
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Date Posted: 13:44:34 03/14/01 Wed

The fate within the HIW rests in Bret Hart's hands. As Jericho did with WCW and WWF...he's here to save you from boredom!!!


((((The lights go out as pink laser lights stream everywhere. Smoke rises from the stage and Bret hart's music blares throughout the arena. The crowd erupts as Bret Hart makes his way through the curtains. He walks down the stage, looking at all the faces in the Calgary, Alberta crowd.))))

Bret circles the ring and gives a young Hart fan his pink sunglasses. Hart slides in the ring, hops on the turnbuckle, and does his ever-so-famous 'I Love You sign.' He gets down and immitates "Hulk" Hogan. (THAT BASTARD!)

Bret is thrown a mic on demand as the lights come up, his music stops, and the crowd settles down.

Bret Hart: You know...I was sitting at home waiting for Eric Bishoff to call...saying he'll give me a contract. When Kane and Paul Bearer call me up. Nwo this surprises the hell out of me. I mean it's KANE for God's sakes. I ended his winning streak when he ws Issac Yankem. So he calls and says, "Bret you've gotta join the HWF. It;s a great fed." I agree and come down here..fill out an app. and here I am. Now, the couple hours I've been with this fed..I've been looking over some records and other stuff and there's one person I noticed. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

((((The crowd erupts again.))))

Bret Hart: Yea, yea. Yea. SHUT UPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you. Now Austin...I see that you think you big and bad..which your not. You think your th greatest..which your not. SO Steve...I'm challeneging you to a SUBMISSION MATCH!!!

((((The entire crowd gasps and everyone of them have a shocked look on their face.))))

Bret Hart: And for you people that don't know why everyone is shocked...it's because i my entire wrestling career...I've submitted only ONCE! Once in a a 15 to 25 year career...I've only submitted once and who to you may ask. Lex Luger is the only man to make me submit. So Austin if you accept...you will find out what it means to be Excellently Executed. Because I'm the best there is...best there was...and the best there ever willl be.

((((Bret's music reprises and Bret Hart leaves the arena as the crowd cheers.))))

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