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Subject: Sting Prepares to kick the shit out of austin

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Date Posted: 22:19:29 03/14/01 Wed

Sting smiles evily as he Sees Austin talking on the moniter Sting rubs his chin and then walks off to the curtains.. the lights go out and stings music hits on the pa system and he walks out onto the ramp with a bat in his hands and wearing his long black leather trench coat and a t-shirt a black one with a Crow on it and black leather pants sting throws the bat down and runs down the ramp he slides into the ring and Takes the mic from the anouncer and raises it to his mouth and begins to speak as the crowd clams down

WOooo! so insted of the Rock i get a match with Angle and Stone cold steve austin? well thank you very Much Shaen mcmahoN! stupid little shit..Anyways the point is here kids that austin is about to meet His matchup same with kurt angle because i am the only good wrestler around here and i will prove that when i beat the shit out of that jackoff Stone cold and Kurt angle now lets begin with you stone cold Mr.Rattle Snake Oh how scary am i suppose to be shaking in My Black boots Because your the rattle snake austin? well guess what austin how about you just call me the crow because i am going to beat the shit out of you Just like a crow would Peck a rattle snake to Death! You are pathetic stone cold actually thinking you are going to put somone as crazy as me into the hospital how stupid are you austin? had one to many Drinks Austin? you can take your little bottom line and shove it up your ass because i am the Career ender and if anyone is going to the hospital it is you my friend cuz its showTIme!!!! and as for you Little Kurt Poor Little Kurt angle Mr.Olympic Hero Milk and cookie Eatin Bitch! i am going to kick Your ass Worse then Stone cold Steve austins hell You might just be the one i put into the hospital Because the truth is I hate you far More then i hate austin You walk around with your little gold medals and your little boy attitude actin like your tuff shit But your really nothing like that Your Just a Little Pansy ass bItch Who Is going to Get his ass Kicked Come raw is War and thats a Fact jack! WooooO!

the lights go out and the crowd goes crazy the lights come back on as stingsm usic hits and sting is gone from the ring nowhere to be seen...

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