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Subject: RAVEN

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Date Posted: 11:45:14 03/15/01 Thu

::scene:: open up in a dark alley way were is is showing a man dressed in black a light breeze is out as the mans hair blows back the man then steps forward into the light and we see thats it's raven! raven walks towards the camera man some more then some more and doesn't stop tell hes right in the camera mans face.

now im not here to anoy anyone cuz im not that type of guy cuz really ive just joined this fed and i already see plenty of jobbers out here who don't know a single thing of what there saying! so listen up you fellow enemeys im here and im here to stay not only well i be kicking some a@@ but i well be kicking some seriouse! a@@ so if anyone even decides to or even thinks of touching!! me my god i well kick his a@@ so hard he won't even know what the hell happend to his a@@.

::scene:: show raven walking back and down the hall he opens a a door a sign lights up on top it flicks on and off as it says beer cavern raven walks in and the camera man follow him in rvane walks over to the counter and yells to the beer man saying.

two bruskis now!!

::scene:: raven then turns to face the crowed of people drinking and fighting and playing pool raven walks over to a man who seems to be having a contest on arm restling raven sits down in the seat and sets his arm on the table.

::raven:: lets go!!

raven and the man lock hands the man yells

::bob:: go!!!

::rvaen:: ahh errrr ahhh!!!!!

::scene:: raven's hand goes flying to the table with a big SMACK!! raven holds his hand and the man begines to laugh really loud! raven then laughs with him evily then grabs the mans head and CRACK!! he shoves his head into the table raven then jumps out of his chair and grabs a poll stick raven looks at him smiling.

::raven:: come o lets go!!!.

::scene:: the man gets up and walks over to raven the man swings a wild right raven ducks and twist around with the pool stick in hand CRACK!! he smacks the guys feet and the guy goes flying to the ground! raven stands then CRACK SMACK CRUNCH!!! he keeps smacking the guy with the stick he then grabs a chair from the table CRUNCH!!! right over his head!!! raven then laughs and keeps laughing then yells.

::raven:: i don't here you laughing now!!!

::scene:: raven then walks over to the counter grabs his beer and drinks it all the way down! raven then stands up and looks into the camera

::raven:: now as you can see i dimantled hat guy in about 1 minute and im sure it well be even shorter for me to dismantle you quote the raven never more!!!!.

scene fades

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