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Subject: Sting Arives

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Date Posted: 21:04:46 03/12/01 Mon
In reply to: Shane McMahon 's message, "Everyone In The Fed Read Very Important" on 09:25:07 03/10/01 Sat

a Long black Limo Pulls up to the arena and the driver gets out quickly and Runs to the end opening the door a Man wearing White and black Face paint a Long black LEather trench Coat and Black Tights with a Scorpion Steps out of the limo and HE starts walking into the back He walks into the halls and the cameras look for Him but htem an is Gone the lights go out and a "CrowS Voice" if heard over the pa System and then on the titon tron theres a Picture of a crow Stings Music hits and the crowd goes crazy As the lights start flashing and sting walks out onto the ramp with a baseball bat in his hand he Walks down the ramp With a pissed look and He slides into the ring and throws the bat down and takes them ic from the anouncer and raises it to his mouth

Hey Listin UP You Inbreaded HIcks! sting has arived and The first man i want to Destroy the first man That i want to Make bleed worse then anyone ever has is yOu CROCK! the Supposed "Peoples champion" the GReatone" Rock You are about as great as my Ass! and i am Sick of everyone thinking that Your tuff shit you only have two damn Moves "the rock bottom" and the peoples Elbow" two of them ost pathetic MOves i have ever seen i have been wanting to get my Hands on you for a long time now and Now is the time So shane Whoever the fuk Is running this Place Get your LAzy ass out here and give me a match against "the greatone" The Rock so i can Prove to HIm and everyone else that Theres only one greatone Only one Person that is going to rule around this federation and thats ME The Stinger! and rock whenever i get you in the ring one on one wether it be this week or then ext or the next it doesnt matter i am going to Put my hands around your neck and Squease Till you turn red and fall over out cold i am going to givey ou the beating of a life time Its SHowTIme! Woo!

The lights go out and the crowd cheers as Stings music hits once again and the lights come back on and sting is nowhere to be seen the crowd starts to chant "Sting sting sting" as the scene fades...

Note-I know its short but i am just making a challenge

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