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Subject: MATT get ready for the end

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Date Posted: 16:10:18 03/16/01 Fri


::scene:: open in the hotel room of raven him self showig raven grabing a bit to eat as he walks out the door he walks dwon the hall and to the elevator he pushes the button and waited for the elevator doors to open after about a minute or so they open and raven walks in and pushes lobby button thwe doors slide shut and the elevator begines to hum as it goes down ot the lobby the doors then slide open and raven walks out the elevator doors and then walking threw the lobby to the outside raven walks over to his car black with a crow on top of it raven oipens the door and sits down as he then starts te car up and drives offdwon the road he stops then turns then stops and goes and then stops in a parking lot raven gets out he walks up to the doors and walks in he turns right to the back and walks down a long hall shoing locker rooms each persons name on it raven finds his unlocks it and opens the door he throws his bags on the couch and looks around raven doesn't seem to like the room much as he walsk out of the room and down the hall he turns another right and opens a door were a interveiwer guy is siting down waiting for an interveiw raven walks up top him and takes a seat by him.

:: micheal cole:: um were waiting for someone to get an interveiw with k so ifd you coul---

::raven:: could what leave!! no micheal i don't think so im not leaving im here to get an interveiw that other jacka@@ can wait im more important then his a@@ so shut up and let me talk micheal!.

::micheal:: okay then well then raven how do you feel on you're match.

::rvaen:: how do i feel? i feel insulted by whoever the hell gave me this match they put me up against some weak retard who thinks some little head move can win me! well i don't think so its gonna take a hell of alot more to beat me! see im in this fed for oe reason only and that is to get world gold around my shoulder or around my waist!! and that well pretty much damn happen soon enough all i have to do is show this owner that im worthy of that title! which is what im gonna do in my match im gonna show him im worthy of that world belt and he beter damn give me my world title shot!!!.

::micheal cole:: okay then but what if he doesn't give you you're title shot?

::raven:: what if he doesn't well then ill just walk down to his little office and he well be sitting there like some big shot well ill walk in there grab him around the next lift him up high then beat his a@@ tell he gives me my title shot!! cuz im not gonna leave tell i get my world title shot i well stomp a mud hole in everyones a@@ that he puts in my way tell i get my world title shot i well beat his a@@ and my opponents a@@ every damn time tell he gives it to me!!! cuz me and everyone else pretty much damn well knows that i deserve this title shot!!.

::micheal cole:: well not everyone but im sure some do!

::raven:: no everyone does micheal and if they don't ill give them a hell of an a@@ whoopen to show them that i do deserve this world title!! so hear this owner after this match you go talk to matt and you ask him does raven deserve his world title shot!!! and ill bet you anything he well say hell yes!!!!.

::micheal cole:: well raven are you gonna tag with anyone in the near future?

::raven:: yes i probly well i have my eye on sting hes a pretty damn good fighter and he would be a worhty tag partner! so sting if you accept this tag with me we could win world and tag team gold together!! and most likley rule this fed!!!.

::micheal cole:: well i wonder if sting well agree!?. don't you raven

::raven:: well of course i hope he agrees you smuck!!!

::micheal cole:: yes i should have none.

::scene:: the door then opens and some wrestler walks in all happy.

::scene:: raven gets up and smacks the guy then ddt!!! raven stands up grabs a chair sets it up grabs the mans head CRACK SMACK!! into the chair!!!!!!.

::raven:: matt you better be prepared for an ass whooped cuz come this show im not gonna show any mercy at all quote the raven never more!!!!!.


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