Kane with Paul Bearer
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Date Posted: 18:52:10 03/13/01 Tue

The Angels Has Cast Him Into Hell,
Where the Devil Had Plans Of His Own.
A Deal Is Offered
A Curse Is Bestowed.
And A New Convenant Is Sealed In Blood.
Remade In The Image Of His New Master,
A Warrior Forged In The Furnaces Of Perdition,
Sent Back To Earth To Train For The
Great War To Come
KANE vs Anyone

{-----::The Graveyard music starts to play over the P.A. System in Madison Square Gardens Arena as the lights go out. The fans are cheering and chanting Kane. On the TitonTRON it flashes Kane with fire flaming in the background. Under it, It says Kane Smoke starts to shoot up from the ground in front of the entrance ramp. Kane and Paul Bearer then walks out as the fans scream to the top of their lungs. Kane and Paul Bearer walks past the smoke as it clears. He reaches the beginning of the ramp and two pyros flare up with a loud concussion sound. Everyone jumps back. Kane and Paul Bearer heads down the ramp towards the ring wearing a black trench coat, a hat, and a mask. The lights are still out. He makes it to the ring area and heads around to the back of the ring. He talks to Mean Gene and they climbs up on the ring apron from the back. Mean Gene follows with a microphone. He gets in the ring with Kane and Paul Bearer . Kane kneels on his left knee and raises his right arm an the same for Paul Bearer but on a different hand an arm. 8 pyros, one by one, flare up from the ringposts simultaneously. After the 8 flare up, all four ringposts go up along with a loud concussion sounding noise. Kane rises and Mean Gene walks ove to Paul Bearer and begins to talk to him about Kane::-----}
Mean Gene - Welcome Paul Bearer and Kane,
Paul Bearer - Now Mean Gene lets stop with the small talk...
Mean Gene - Ok Paul, Why did you and Kane come out here tonight for?
Paul Bearer - Mean Gene, We just heard what Triple H said alittle while ago saying that is The Best here? Well Triple H you may be called The Game but KANE is The Hunter Of Souls and Your Soul WILL be added to his parlor... Now everyone will see this 7'0 Monster and Run because he is only after one thing and that is SOULS, Kane fears NOBODY and Triple H you Better start running because once Kane starts after somebody he wont rest untill the person is six feet under...

Kane - Now Triple H you come out here talking you Trash out here well punk I Dont Fear pest like you I STEP ON THEM... You see Triple H when it comes right down to who will make a Better World Champ me or you the answer is ME... Triple H you are nothing and you will always be nothing and on Raw whoever I face I will show you what HELL ON EARTH looks like so Triple H your GAME Will Soon Come To An End...
Mean Gene - Well Kane, I was just told who you will be facing on Raw..
Kane - Who Triple H..
Mean Gene - No it will be against Jeff Hardy...
Kane - Triple H you are Sooooooooooooo Dam Lucky, Now I have to take my Angry out on Jeff Hardy... Jeff do youself a favor and Dont show up because I wanted to face the so called Game but I cant right now so all this mess you will be in the middle of it and you will get nailed with My CHOKE SLAM and you will see that I am a MONSTER inside aswell as on the Outside of the ring.. So right now Jeff Hardy dont bite off more then you can chew just put your tail inbetween your legs and slowly walk away and dont look back for once you stepp into the ring against me you WORST FEARS will Come To Life...
::Kane Drops The Mic and Leaves the ring with Paul Bearer. ::
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