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Yup, while YOUR father, grandfather, or or great uncle was Fighting and DYING overseas, during WORLD WAR II, this FLAG WAVING COWARD managed to DODGE that responsibility!
Last edited by author: Fri July 22, 2011 04:27:40
Edited 5 times.
Isn' t it AMAZING the things you find out about THESE RIGHT WING FLAG WAVING VERMIN when you do a little "Research".
MANY of Hamilton's messages feature an obvious "Anti Immigrant" tone as well[ESPECIALLY, but NOT LIMITED to people from Mexico], and if
and his pack of vermin had ANY "Native American" roots, then I would remain "neutral" on that vibe. but guess what? It TURNS OUT that Mr Hamilton is NOTHING MORE than a piece of;
JUST like the REST of us!
Go to HELL Mr. Hamilton, WAIT, I forgot, you're ALREADY THERE aern't you, you MISRABLE BASTARD!
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