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Date Posted: 18:32:46 10/14/05 Fri
Author: Deryk
Subject: He shrugged a little, sitting down on the couch again and waiting for her to pick out something. "I don't know...we've just always gotten along pretty well." He smiled a little, watching her for a long moment before he leaned back. "Well now that I got a new friend maybe I won't hang out with him quite so much..." He winked teasingly, watching her carefully.
In reply to: Andi 's message, "(Humming to herself, Andi walks up the street in front of her building, having had to leave her car almost a block and a half down. Rolling her eyes goodnaturedly, she decides there must be a party going, because the music down the road was obnoxious and there were a lot of college kids in this area. Stopping for a moment, she uses her knee to balance one of the bags in her arms so she can adjust her keys to get in the front door.*" on 23:38:58 10/11/05 Tue

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  • *She shrugged, snagging a movie out of the cabinet and tossing it into the dvd player. In her heart she worried about this guy.. being friends with Gabe didn't make him the best judge of character - but then she really couldn't judge him by his friends.. still it bothered her. Hitting play and turning the tv on, she sat down on the couch near him, not looking at him, purposefully being moody.* You should stay away from him, he'll stab you in the back. *He had done just that to her, and she had remained a loner for close to three years because of it.* (NT) -- Andi, 18:36:25 10/14/05 Fri

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