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Date Posted: 23:03:01 11/09/05 Wed
Author: Deryk
Subject: He frowned at the hiss of pain, his brow furrowed. "Might want to have that checked out in a little while..." He murmured softly before he went about putting away all the alcohol and straightening up the kitchen - he was weird about order. Didn't really care if things were clean, just that they were in order. His eyes turned back to her for a second before he turned to the fridge and grabbed her a bottle of water and then located some crackers. A few more seconds had him handing her both of those with some tylenol. "Fix the hang over before it starts."
In reply to: Allessandra 's message, "This time I'ma let it all come out- This time I'ma stand up and shout- I'ma do things my way! It's my way, my way or the highway" on 22:42:12 11/09/05 Wed

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  • (She smiled warmly at him, shaking her head a little.) Really, you don't have to fuss over me. (She said, taking the water and the crackers from him and heading into the living room to sit down on the sofa. She really didn't mind the attention, it was her pride and her independence that kept her from simply accepting him being there. She brought her knees up to her chest and settled the water and the crackers in her lap, downing the pill and looking over at him.) Now I remember why I usually don't drink. (She said with a little laugh, she was being the big girl, trying to make it look like everything in her world was rosy and perfect.) Although I guess I will fit in in class tomorrow with a hangover. (NT) -- Andi, 23:17:11 11/09/05 Wed

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