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Subject: Varsity Boys Basketball

Brian Cartin
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Date Posted: 18:07:09 11/13/13 Wed
Author Host/IP: c-69-253-48-47.hsd1.pa.comcast.net/

Hello Everyone,

Although I told all of the boys who were at our last workout that I would be posting our two rosters by tomorrow I need to ammend that. Basketball, for many reasons, is a tough sport to get going. Time, as well as gym availability is limited which adds to the initial confusion.

I would like to have all of the boys interested in playing Varsity Basketball at St. jeromes this year in the gym one more time this Friday (11/15). Our workout will begin promptly at 5pm. and end at 6pm.

I'm having a problem matching up our registration list with who is actually in the gym. It's not a major problem and we can certainly address it Friday afternoon. As I've already told the boys we will have two teams (at both varsity and JV level) playing in either the NCAA bracket or the NIT bracket. What I need to know are my exact numbers before I can divide the rosters.

If you cannot make it to the workout on Friday please contact either myself bcartin@aol.com or Tim McGlaughlin tmac8915@gmail.com. My intention is to post the rosters Saturday morning. I am fairly certain that each team will be practicing this comming Sunday although I am not sure at what time yet.

Once again anybody interested in playing Varsity Basketball should be at Penn Crisp this Friday at 5pm. The workout will last an hour. If you would like to play but cannot make it Friday please make either Tim Mcglaughlin or myself aware of that situation.

All the best!

Brian Cartin

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