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Subject: Varsity Boys Basketball/Rosters

Brian Cartin
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Date Posted: 14:57:19 11/16/13 Sat
Author Host/IP: pool-71-178-194-45.washdc.fios.verizon.net/

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for hanging in there with me for the past week or so. You should be happy to hear we really have a viable plan to move forward. Following are our two rosters for the upcoming season. We have 22 boys playing basketball and we are entered in two "A" ball brackets (NCAA,NIT). I was very limited in what I could do as far as building my 7th grade "taxi" squad but I actually have a plan for that as well and will talk to the boys about it at practice tomorrow.

Coach Mike.
1. Danny Lodes
2. Justin Pavonarius
3. Gavin Trask
4. Joseph Nugent
5. Kevin Carolyn
6 Pat Diviny
7. John Corcoran
8. Nathan Custern
9. Jack Graff
10. Ryan McClelan
11. Jordan Martin

Practice tomorrow is at 3pm. We have our work cut out for us. Being competitive here is going to be hard but then again that's really why we do this in the end. I will be at practice tomorrow and would like to speak with the 7th graders on this team so if you can get there 10 minutes early that would be great.

Coach Cartin
1. Jadden Donnelly
2. Brian Dietz
3. Tim Mcglaughlin
4. Chris Vandermay
5. Nick Murray
6. John Daniels
7. Nick Kelly
8. Justin Vizza
9. Tom Igelski
10. Paul Guensch
11. Matt Bringhurst

The NCAA practice will be held at 1pm. tomorrow. The practice will last an hour. I will have our weekly practice schedule set shortly. Believe me we have quite a bit to get done and not very much time to do it.

I propose that we have a great basketball season. I'll see you all in the gym tomorrow.

Brian Cartin

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