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Date Posted: 20:24:13 05/09/06 Tue
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Coaches, H/M, pageants and other things that people have differing tastes about

As I read this board (and others) I notice that there are often long and emotional battles between moms about whether a certain pageant is good vs bad, "real" vs "wannabe". Discussions over coaches,photographers and H/M vendors get emotional with loyal customers who adore the person vs people who dislike those same vendors for one reason or another. I bet many of these intense battles would not have to happen if posters would step back and realize that each of us have differing values of things we are looking for in pageantry , just as in the other areas of our lives. It should be just as acceptable that people like vendor A as much as others like vendor B or pageant A , B, C , D etc. Not a reason why we need to always have such emotion and drama about the differing coaches, H/M, directors and pageants. What is most important at the end of your child's competitive years in pageantry will not be about who did her H/M at such and such pageant or who took the best photos. It won't even be about who she beat or who beat her for various titles over the years. It won't be about whether or not the pageants she did were ones that attracted a certain group. In the end it won't matter if the coaches she enjoyed were "big name" or "local" coaches. What will be important will be whether your child had a positive experience in her time in pageantry. What will be important is what positive life skills she gained through her years in pageantry. what will also be important is what good things she has gained within herself through her years in pageantry. In my dd's case her favorite system that she did consistently through childhood is one that has flown under the radar of the boards. Her coach that was very influential in a positive manner was a local mom that started coaching. My dd has true friends from her pageant years (as do I ) whose friendship has outlasted those pageant years and has broadened and deepened beyond just the common ground of being in pageants together. My dd has many wonderful traits and life skills that I can atleast partially attribute to her experiences in pageantry. Although she still has some crowns and banners and a couple of the large trophies displayed in her childhood bedroom, those will not go with her to wherever she moves permanently as an adult. What will be with her forever , are the wonderful memories,some wonderful frienships and all that is within her that she gained in personal skills and traits. We all don't have to see things eye to eye about which pageant is better,who is the best H/M, coach or photographer. But if moms can all instead focus on making your dd's pageant years ones that are positive and memorable in the real things that count, I am sure that you would all have a lot more fun and have a lot more precious time spent enjoying with your dd her pageant years. The time is precious because before you know it, your dd's will be grown and you will be onto the next good chapter in their lives.

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