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Date Posted: 12:02:26 02/12/06 Sun
Author: mac
Subject: |tragedy and fairytale endings|

In the country of Ethavea, two kingdoms have existed peacefully for over a decade. Other than a few minor disturbances from the rebels, life was almost ideal for both the peasantry and nobility. Terravene, famous for its lush forests and enchanting lakes, was a kingdom of prosperity and wealth. Altynea, legendary for its pristine beaches and fertile landscape, was a kingdom of economic success.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Now, a ruthless tyrant sits upon the thrown of one of these kingdoms, and peace seems to be a distant memory. In the midst of all this darkness, there may still be hope. The question is, will you help in the destruction of this fair country, or work toward a lasting unity? Is there such thing as a happy ending? Or are such fantasies only meant for children's fairytales? The choice is up to you...

Ethavea is a fantasy/medieval role-playing game for those with intermediate/advanced writing skills or those who are willing to learn and improve their RPing skills. Creative schemes are encouraged, and dedication is a necessity. Although there is already an exciting plot, new ideas are always welcome. If you think you have what it takes, are willing to learn, and have an open mind, then this is the rpg for you.

*intermediate-advanced medieval/fantasy rpg
*opened: december 19, 2005
*engaging plotline and endless possibilities
*active owner
*main characters available
© mac 2005-2006

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