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Date Posted: 08:15:38 04/08/06 Sat
Author: FAKE
Subject: Fire Mists (Fantasy)

Before the land of Fire Mist was the land of Fire Mist it was a lush and firtile place. But then, less than a century ago, this all changed. A mist came down upon the firtile grasslands to the west of the Capital City, Tyrisia. But these mists were no ordinary Mists, these mist were mist of fire, scorching all that they touched, turning it into a waste land. At the Same time came raiders from countries that lay upon the boarders of the land, and from with malcontent at the ruling powers.

Two generations later and the burning mists still come through the summer, and still there is intrigue and rebellion with in, but thanks to the aid of the new queen, Queen Pheonix, the only daughter of the recently deceased King Joaquin and Queen Anne and her husband King Lisone Jundil, the raiders have almost stopped their brutal attacks. This was managed by the resurection of the Cat and Dragon riders, and the resurgance of an almost forgotten race, the catherael.

Along with the recruitment of the Army and the training of the mages, it looks as though Fire Mist is finally getting back on it's feet, though many troubles still lie ahead. Which path will you walk? Are you loyal to the new queen? Or are you a traitor to the Crown? Will you join one of the fighting ranks? Or will you take a back seat and just observe?

The Choice is yours...

Enter Fire Mists

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