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Date Posted: 20:37:10 05/07/06 Sun
Author: Rayne

Sunset Working Ranch. The name brings dread fear into those bystanders who remember the horrific events of the heir's death. What really happened? No one knows. Everything has been kept in the quiet for years either by corrupt cattle barons or the local sherrifs who turned their heads. Some say the place is cursed. Who would work in such a place, someone asked? Would you?

Anita and D hope to rebuld the ranch to the power it once was and wash away any old feelings of regret. However the trees still whisper of the day that the heir was killed. Will you help them solve the mystery or will you help cover it up? What can be learned about the secret dealings of Sunset Ranch? Will you find love or only be heartbroken by some foolish cowboy?

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  • D - The middle aged brown hair and green eyed owner of the ranch. He's standoffish and gruff to those who know him.
  • Spin - the head head that no one seems to get along with. Is there something behind that tough facade or is there nothing?
  • Connie - that outrageous and tempermental cattle wrangler. Is she hiding something?


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