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Date Posted: 16:39:46 07/18/06 Tue
Author: Stacey
Subject: Guardains of the Flame

The visious battle wagging between Ohlmin and our Queen has now stopped almost compleatly. we have once again turned a bad situation in to victory. yes many had died, more then was supose to but now that the war is over we can start anew. there is no reason why we cant build more afficent weapons like the large cannons the ohlmin army used against us. there is nuthing but peace with in the town gates of Juror, and the elven city of Pandathaway is booming with unseen magic and unseen weaponry.
our queen is still alone, but now her illness has sub sided and she looks upon the world with new eyes. arangements are being made for a new king, a large kingdom can now servive with out a new king, hopefully he will be a good one.
the dragons have once again woken up to a almost helpless town. many people after the war had moved away and now are looking for a new village that dosen't have such beasts around their town. the dragon's looking after their hatchlings are now out to look for large amounts of food for their hatchlings.
oh ya... one more thing... I have joined wizards to the list of species you can join... but there WIll ONLY be 6 for the whole site...well untill two more people join...and then I'll let another wizard join.

Live a life of wonder


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