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Date Posted: 20:38:48 08/13/08 Wed
Author: Benni
Subject: Dominico

Enter Dominico

In the beginning of this era, the lands of Dominico were sparsely inhabited. Yet, as the rumors of strange magics spread throughout the surrounding lands, what some would call a mass migration began to happen. Equine souls from leagues away seemed to be moving towards the once small lands of Dominico, seeking the promise made by those lands. Those promises, those of Gods and Goddesses, of magic, of immortality, drew the herds together... and with their magical powers, the herds grew stronger.

Now, nearly two decades after the magic began to appear in Dominico, struggles are breaking out. Fire against Ice, Water against Earth, Psychic against Electricity, and Light against Dark... Allies are few and far between, just as enemies are plentiful. There is no such thing as Evil against Good now. There is no room for such a petty strife. No, elements rage in fierce anger, proving much worse than the personal preferences. Now, one's fate is decided solely on what element posseses them. Despite vain attempts, escape of this war is impossible. There is no escape from the Elemental chaos...

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Enter Dominico

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